watermelon and salt is one of those things that sounds strange in theory, then you try it and you regret that you could ever think that way
watermelon and salt is one of those things that sounds strange in theory, then you try it and you regret that you could ever think that way
You have to wonder if these “leaders” of big companies have families or hobbies or like doing literally anything normal.
Being addicted to working and hoarding money beyond reason is an addiction at the end of the day and it has wide reaching impact. They need to get serious help.
Not really surprising. There’s nothing to look forward to and necessities aren’t guaranteed - even if you’re working two jobs.
Maybe I should get a job at Boeing so “I” can put myself out of this misery.
Good catch. I got excited seeing this, but I can’t say I’m 250 USD excited. Maybe if I had more time to read.
If Gartner comes out with a decent AI model, you could replace over half of your CIOs, CISOs, CTOs, etc. Most of them lack any real leadership qualities and simply parrot what they’re told/what they’ve read. They’re their through nepotism.
Also, most of them use AI as a crutch, so that’s all they know. Meanwhile, the rest of us use it as a tool (what it’s meant to be).
I agree. I had to explain to a younger family member today that when I say “open notepad”, I meant the application that’s been on every Windows version since they were born, not to Google “notepad”
Gave me a crisis that people know so little of what would have been considered basic computer usage a while back.
Same here. I knew there was a reason this shirt called to me this morning
The headline sounded good but the article lists a lot of negatives too. They’re removing discounts for veterans/first responders, they recently laid off 10% of staff, and their price now matches Amazon and Apple. So don’t mistake this for good intention; this is just a business’ survival instincts taking over.
do you have any other advice? they got us going back to the mines soon with no additional pay, no parking, and no bus passes. so I’m looking to adjust accordingly
that’s not a home, my friend. you’re living in a restaurant!
don’t forget all the layoffs happening despite already being overworked, understaffed, and bombarded with RTO propaganda
same here. or at least i finally recognized their potential. but it’s not just the performance, it’s the power efficiency too!
I’ve seen it in some specialty stores past 2-3 months, but they’re being sold for 7-10 USD
don’t forget hiring more people when the workload increases instead of just dropping it on an already overburdened team and then get shocked when they just quit
the world may never know
I’d recommend doing a dual boot sooner and slowly shifting your files & apps. It took me about 3 months to find a distro and desktop environment i like, get my apps or alternatives installed, and get used to it.
If you wait until EOL, you may be overwhelmed and frustrated, increasing the likelihood of calling quits and accepting Windows 11.