I’ll be that guy in 2051.
Just a nerd who migrated from kbin(dot)social.
I’ll be that guy in 2051.
I don’t think it matters whether the person is compassionate or selfless. It should be a position with a low fixed salary and a bug bounty. That way if the CEO wants to get paid, they have to directly contribute to the browser. Create the job and the compensation around your ideal candidates.
Unsarcastically but sadly, yes. It’s the same items, with the same supply chain and the same issues. But it’s at a lower cost to me. Frankly, as things get tight, we’ll all need to make decisions between our ideals and our bank accounts. I assume that most of us will lean toward preserving the bank account and reckon with our ideals later.
There’s a boycott? I just don’t shop there because it’s the same crap as everywhere else for more money and a worse experience.
From my understanding of the thought process (not “logic”, but a thought process), it’s like this: If we place tariffs on nations where we know smuggled goods are coming from, the economic impact of lost trade with the USA will cause them to enforce our border policies about what we allow in. It’s using force (the only language something like the current admin understands) to outsource labor.
They weren’t subtle to begin with.
Gee, that almost sounds like it was intentional.
In a blind setting, I don’t believe it would be possible for me to prove my humanity in the sense of a Turing test.
Lol. I hope the ATCs stay parked on their butts. Let a few of the private jets go down because the FAA isn’t there to keep them on their paths. Or to make any effort to anonymize them, since flight plans are legally required to be public info. Let them feel what the rest of us do.
My heart goes out to all of the people she loved and who loved her. For all that Dawn wasn’t a character I liked, I never, ever doubted Michelle as a great actress. She deserved better for her life.
I didn’t say I didn’t believe. I just asked where.
Okay, but where is it now?
Wait, isn’t that mixing any drink with Galliano?
It’s because they moved away from borosilicate.
Then whatever a modern OS is under your model is not an OS I’m willing to use. I’ve seen Win 11. I’m going to stick with 10, as I stuck with XP through Vista, had a second machine with 7 through 8(.x), and then surrendered and used Win10 when the 32-bit Win7 machine finally stopped working for love or money.
Mint has worked consistently for me on the PC it’s installed on.
Mint works like Windows and has a lot to offer any Windows 10 user who’s already using FOSS. And tbh Hypnotix alone justified the install of Mint for me. I got a great IPTV viewer, plus a PC that runs everything I want.
Note: I only regularly want Discord, Firefox, Endless Sky, OpenTTD, RetroArch, and LibreOffice. I’m sure everyone else has different goals.
To go in reverse order: iOS & Android are related because they’re Linux/UNIX. They’re not CP/M based. As a result, my level of trust and respect are always near-zero.
I’m glad you have a different experience with GNOME, someone ought to. I guess it wouldn’t be the standard if no one could use it.
GNOME is explicitly what kept me exclusively on Windows for about a decade - and what made me gunshy about Android & iOS. It’s totally impossible to drive anything important, doing anything of value required a DOS prompt and arcane commands that had no relation to their exact counterpart in Windows, and it’s just utterly revolting to me.
Cinnamon is the only DE that made me feel comfortable daily driving Linux.
If you want a different level of shitty platform, You could just move to a VTT like Roll20.