Bless your heart
Bless your heart
Ok, so you were saying you prefer a privacy focused OS but settle for iOS because it’s simpler. Fair point.
As far as data collection goes, Google isn’t selling it either. Apple and Google are both collecting your data to assign you to certain demographics. They then sell ad space, and the people that purchase those ads can select the demographic they want it to go to. It’s not ideal, but it’s certainly better than them selling your actual personal data to third parties.
Right, because Apple doesn’t collect your data, even though it says they do right in the terms of service you agreed to without reading.
3x as much is “marginally better.” What world do you Apple zealots live in?
Why would you only use a privacy focused ROM and not stock Android, when you use a stock iPhone? Do you think that Apple doesn’t collect just as much data on you as Android does? It’s literally in the Apple terms of service. They’ve just conned you into believing their marketing BS.
The “I never thought they’d come for me” crowd appears to have fucked around and, subsequently, found out.
The DRM and licensing built into HDMI is a massive con either way. Not to mention DP connectors are far more robust than HDMI - I’ve had quite a few HDMI cables and ports just bend/break with minimal use. Fiddled with just as many DP cables and never had a port or connector get loose or break. I’d probably choose DP even if its standards were lagging behind HDMI’s.
This is it. A lack of training for officers and a lack of infrastructure to support rehabilitation. The bill was set up for failure, as none of the above happened prior to the law going into effect. It’s like removing your physical fence before installing an invisible fence and wondering why your animals all ran away.
Likely, but DP is still superior to even the latest HDMI standards, so I’d choose it over HDMI whenever that’s an option.
There’s no exposure to the virus with RNA vaccines.
They’re not cheap if you get them first hand but they’re not insane considering who we’re talking about. Bands like The Eagles, Rolling Stones,etc were commanding $150+ tickets two decades ago. But good luck getting a non-resale ticket, between bots and the companies themselves buying the tickets solely to mark up for resale it’s nearly impossible to get a ticket at face value.
Most streaming content is licensed, not owned by the streaming platform. Anyone could start their own streaming service and get licenses for existing content, assuming they had the capital to do so.
When MTV still played music videos.
Put another way, how many times have you woken up thinking you need to stop at a gas station because you only have 3/4 of a tank?
I mean, fairly often. But I imagine for neurotypical people it might be way less.😂
$25 an hour is sadly not too good for any job in the US these days. $50k doesn’t go that far anymore.
I use my F-150 fairly often to haul and tow. If I didn’t need to tow ~5000lbs I’d have just kept my old 97 Tacoma. I was all in on getting a Lightning a few months ago, especially with $15,000 in rebates and tax credits. Then I did the math and realized going from my brother’s shop to my place while towing 5000lbs means I’d have to stop and charge for 30 minutes SIX times on that trip. And sadly, it seems that’s as good as it gets for EV trucks right now. I’m 100% onboard with an EV truck, especially a Lightning with the ability to use it as a generator for your home in an outage, but towing/hauling range has to improve astronomically before they’re practical.
If they marketed it as such, but they heavily marketed it as capable as, if not better, at doing truck things than other trucks. And to be fair, most of us knew it was bullshit, but it’s impressive how absolutely wrong they were. I mean, Elon said it’d tow a Porsche 911 faster in the quarter than the 911 could run the 1/4 mile itself, and they released a video to prove it…except keen eyed folks quickly noticed that the “finish line” they show is actually the 1/8th mile marker on that drag strip, and the 911 is clearly about to pass the CT at that point. Engineering Explained on YT made a great video detailing how it couldn’t beat even the slowest modern 911.
But Tesla specifically marketed this as a fully capable truck, which it is not. The F-150 Lightning gets the same range towing as the Cybertruck gets with no cargo.
A storied history of systemic racism and violence. A lack of adequate training. A lack of accountability. A complete lack of repercussions that actually affect them - tax payers footing the bill for settlements instead of cop pension funds. A mob-like culture that protects abusive cops and uses fear to keep the rest in line.
Should I go on?