Trumpy had them shitty filled pants, tie to his knees… (to his knees)
Maga fans started wearing diapeei’s.
He fucked a pro, next thing you know
To jail he goes goes goes goes goes.
Two bears high fiving!
Yes, or pay someone to do it.
Unless I drive away, a close friend can’t even get insurance for her bike anymore, because a hit and run left her with a TBI, and she had to fight the insurance company to cover it.
Then how would you arbitrarily fine your citizens?
Rule 34 surely cannot apply to… oh, oh God, what is… no it can’t be, I mean I’ve heard he shits himself regularly but… in his own mouth, how?
Pre-emptive Zero Dawn, do it now!
Birds also poop out the seeds they eat that helps spread them, while bees rub themselves all over the flower, covering themselves with pollen before moving on to the next flower.
Not sure that helps answer the question, though.
Man the old internet was something else!
So thats why they say not to give your password to anyone.
Who shidded my pants?
I remember that Bible verse:
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these… unless their LGBTQIA+”
Hey watch your mouth, I might have to shoot you!
If you see something, say something… and get shot.
I can’t wait to see him lose again, so more trumptards can get arrested when they pull another half cocked insurrection
Jail, I vote Jail, please I wanna see that bastard in a jumpsuit