That was a fun watch, lol! I should find one to set for my girlfriend. I had it set to the Daria theme song a long time ago. It’s one of her favorite shows and she has a dry and jaded sense of humor to match it.
That was a fun watch, lol! I should find one to set for my girlfriend. I had it set to the Daria theme song a long time ago. It’s one of her favorite shows and she has a dry and jaded sense of humor to match it.
I had to in my case. I worked for a company that was contracted out and had an on site boss. So instead of something like management calling me from the work phone, it was always the boss that did it from her personal cell.
My ex-fiancee and ex-girlfriend for 7 years was getting hit on by our boss. She used to brag to me about it. They started texting back and forth until suddenly she wanted to “just be friends” with me (which entitled “benefits”).
This was all about a month before our wedding. So naturally I declined being “friends” and slept with her bride’s maid. We decided the sex was good enough to try dating.
That was 12 years ago now.
That’s enough from you, gregorium.
It’s the PP in your heart that matters.
You mean like feeling bad about stupid things you’ve done (that most likely weren’t that stupid or embarrassing) and then feeling bad because you always feel bad about those things when normal people probably don’t? Yuh.
IF you needed the storage and badly, then I remember Hiren’s BootCD used to come with a tool to scan for and quarantine bad sectors. However, this is just a bandaid on top of an infected wound.
The wound will keep spreading, eating up precious backup files. I’ve only ever used quarantining once on my mother in law’s laptop because she had to wait weeks to get a new drive, due to the Philippines flooding back then.
Also, this was an old copy of BootCD that ran through terminal prompt, not a built in Windows PE, and I believe the tool I used has been removed. However, it seems to be replaced with a few alternatives.
That’s hopefully the plan if that time does come. Two of my three sisters lived at home and single while raising their first kids, so I tried to help them out as much as I could. I wouldn’t be completely blind going in. I’d be fretting a lot at first, though. The world would seem much more dangerous with a kid to worry about.
Not for the lack of trying though. They’ve been trying to destroy alternative frontend apps for a while, but the devs just keep rolling out workarounds. You know when your app is buffering endlessly that is time to check for an update.
None taken, friend. I understand that, but I still think about these things a lot. I’m still young enough where I could have a happy accident, even if we’re not trying. My mind is always on how to be a good father if it did.
This is the way to go. I don’t have kids, but it’s how my sisters went about it. For the longest time if my nephew wanted to call and talk to me, the number would ring up as my sister’s number, because not only was it a spare phone, but it was dually connected with her number (not sure how tbh, she worked for a carrier for a long time).
It’s just hard to find that thin line between allowing them to have something or have them be behind all their friends who do have access to one.
My policy would probably be worse, tbh. I’d toss them an old Nokia and be like, “Legends say it’ll take the force of an 18 wheeler and a flood and still work.” For context, I had a friend who ran his over 3 times with his dad’s mack truck, reducing it to just a screen and PCB which he used as his phone at school. Then I watched him accidentally drop and fully submerge said screen and PCB into a half foot deep puddle while we ran down a mountain in a thunderstorm and that sucker still worked.
It was his experiment, to keep trying to destroy it to the point where he couldn’t use it but have to use it if it did. I think it died not too long after, though.
90’s kid with smoker parents. You made do with the migraines. It was the absolute worst in winter car rides on bright days. Blinding snow plus second hand smoke migraine and no rolling down the window more than a tiny crack. Pure hell.
Can confirm, I had a heck of a time figuring out Bluetooth and sound myself. The distro I was using came with Bluetooth hard disabled and PulseAudio by default. The wiki, these four packages, and setting my Bluetooth to autostart on login got everything working with minimal hassle.
I’ve started using Fulguris lately, just random tryout. Its actually decent and has a built in content blocker where you can add lists with the big three main ones already being there. I’m not 100% sure how barebones privacy is on it, but it is open source and from what Exodus says there’s no trackers (unless you opt into Google Crash Reporting which is off by default). It does have some extra permissions you might not need, so if you want a near-permissionless browser, it might not bwe the one for you.
I’m dead set in my belief that this happens to every phone, and I’m sad to see the nothing phone is going the same way.
I had a Motorola X that was suddenly dying in less than 5 hours and one day I couldn’t even connect to my service. I looked and found that an update had uninstalled the phone’s modem. Not even a factory reset helped.
After rooting and finding the correct package for my modem, the phone ran flawlessly using Resurrection Remix (I miss that ROM), proving that the battery and modem were indeed fine.
Absolutely. LinusTechTips had to issue a formal apology for dumb stuff someone had said about another reviewer, but in the unveiling of all their shit, it was revealed that they had mis-reviewed a gaming mouse.
The mouse was in prototype stages, and the LTT member that reviewed it did not take the plastic off the gliders and said that the mouse was horrible and dragged a lot. The company then floundered and had to sell the prototype and rights at auction at the next CES.
The worst part is that they assumed that a competent reviewer had the fucking common-ass sense to remove the plastic that… you know… comes on almost every gaming mouse, so they didn’t even dispute the issue.
I thought about this a few times at my last job, but unfortunately the job was solo work and if no one showed up, the whole contract would have been rescinded. My boss certainly abused my sense of responsibility, though.