Will he really need customers much longer? I mean it seems like he can just have any government agency replace their fleet with his trash in the name of “efficiency”.
Will he really need customers much longer? I mean it seems like he can just have any government agency replace their fleet with his trash in the name of “efficiency”.
Can’t he just drive it to a “safe space”?
Does Snoop Dogg performing for the Trump crypto ball or whatever the shit that was count as selling out?
Didn’t he win his last election with something like 94% of the vote. The dude is outrageously popular… or there might be something else going on.
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I’m afraid what you heard me say is, “a lot of drugs”. What I said is, “all the drugs”.-
Have kids. I absolutely adore my kids and have no regrets, but also recognize that I’m in a relatively stable situation where having kids doesn’t create other unmanageable challenges for me and my wife. We carefully considered our capacity to have and raise kids. They were not all comfortable conversations. I am glad to have waited to have kids until I was in a good and stable place, and also can no longer imagine what it would have been like to not have these absolutely wonderful little monsters both spoiling and making every moment more magnificent.
I recognize it was sarcasm, but in case you have any people in your life that argue that this cold snap disproves climate change, NOAA made this nice graphic to show what’s causing the unusual cold.
Read headline, music immediately started in my head, “if you’re looking for me…”
You have to get the parry timing just right for that move.
You could try episode 2 of Human Planet from the BBC.
Ability to fold a fitted sheet.
Weren’t the revolutionaries following Bane in that story portrayed as the villains? Because of how absurdly rich this Thompson asshole had become, his murder has struck me, from the perspective of his sons, to be more like the killing of Thomas Wayne in the universe your quote is from. Hopefully we don’t end up with a shit version of Batman, but right now the killer could be more like Joe Chill
So Hysteria was a bit hit and miss in terms of how enjoyable it was, but it did land at a time when I was able to record from TV and use it to aid some school presentations. Every single time the teachers would ask where I got this from.
Hair??? Chicken leg??? yes
Was pretty certain Ren & Stimpy had to be mentioned here. Scrolling… scrollling… that was too much scrolling to find this
“Critics argue the move undermines the judicial process, while supporters view it as within Biden’s constitutional powers.”
Both things are true though. The pardon power exists as a check on the judicial branch, so it certainly undermines it in the same way that the veto undermines legislative decisions by congress. The constitution gives the president the authority to do some pretty blatant undermining, but checks work in the other direction too if the branches are acting as co-equals and not just shilling for one of the others.
Depression bigly
That was my first thought too. No grand conspiracy or personal mission here, just basic corruption by some of the shittiest people.