Plus I find it’s so damn satisfying when you fix something, truly one of the greatest dopamine hits available
Plus I find it’s so damn satisfying when you fix something, truly one of the greatest dopamine hits available
On my end, I tend to watch democracy now, read cbc, npr, ap, and reuters, and then follow plenty of youtube channels for different takes on a variety of subjects. Always looking for new stuff though, so I appreciate all the replies!
Nice, all that covers a lot of bases right there
Never heard of it, I’ll give it a looksee
Damn, that’s so cool, I’m going to try this out
The classics.
Ya, my personal fav, I try to at least watch the headlines, but usually dig into some of the featured interviews for the day. Amy Goodman is a legend
Thank you for sharing, I’ll look into these!
Nice, love local radio
Never heard of him, I’ll check it out
Ok, but which one comes first in an ultimatum???
Great vid man, I appreciate the passion for the game, subscribed!
That was supposed to be the joke of the question, but I don’t think it landed lol. It’s just so absurd, on the one hand you’ve got Iron Mike, one of the best to ever do it, and the other you’ve got well Jake Paul.
Watched the trailer for civil war recently, and that has me interested without giving very much away
Username checks out
I do. Love a good jean jacket, it’s like pants for your arms. Wear it with jeans and you’ve got yourself a Canadian tuxedo!
Make people feel safer… right.
Self check outs basically transferred the labour from an employee supplied by the grocer to the consumer, resulting in lower employment costs for the grocer and greater time and effort expenditure for the consumer.
The deliberate programming choices of the self check outs at loblaws are especially annoying :do you want to donate to charity on our behalf? Accidentally scan an item twice? Gotta wait for someone to come cancel it for you. It takes like 5 clicks to get to paying these fuckers.
Then they want to surveill everyone on the way out like they don’t trust you, after they transferred all the labour to you?
Ya fuck that, no wonder people get pissed. Like seriously fuck off. And on top of all that you get absolutely gouged.
Went from shopping there weekly to never stepping foot in that god awful store, spend your money elsewhere.
Sounds like a text book case of remembering. There’s a great tragically hip line that goes “it would seem to me, I remember every single fucking thing I know!”
Save me!
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