Stop subsidising air travel and people are gonna prefer trains and boats real fast.
Stop subsidising air travel and people are gonna prefer trains and boats real fast.
Been to Russia and live on the border of it. Basically if you have a chance of beating Putin you aren’t going to be an option to vote for. The part of the government who decides who will be the options is controlled by Putin. The approval is pretty much bullshit, I haven’t asked everyone in Russia but I have yet to meet someone who supports Putin, especially after he invaded Ukraine.
How are contracts like this enforceable in the US? Like here you could have a clause like that but the moment you try to sue someone for working at a competitor the judge would just laugh at you and throw your ass out of court. You can’t have just anything in a contract, just like if a contract breaks employment laws then it’s not valid.
He was literally voted out by their parlament by like 300 to 0 votes and the only country calling it a coup was Russia.
If by illegally remove you mean he was passing laws that would have made him a defacto dictator which in turn triggered protests that he violently put down triggering massive protests causing him to flee then yes.
If the options are Stalin or capitalism, then capitalism would be a clear winner even if it’s shit because Stalin and his ideology still has the 2 issues from the first panel but on top of that he would execute anyone with an actual good system.
Even if you got money for jewelry why pick the boring pointy piece of glass? There are gems and materials so much cooler than diamonds. My personal favourite is jade.