What happened then?
What happened then?
Democracy is when people elect someone and a court (totally not controlled by the imperialism) decides they voted wrong and ban the candidate from running again
This kid would be very upsey if he knew how to read
You are trying to present facts to people who are unable to breath out of the propagandosphere
I feel like european leaders are trying to speedrun the “get your head chopped off” challenge
Some people are so propagandized that if trump says water is wet they will say its dry
Ok but how would the US react if Mexico wanted nukes from Russia?
How would the US react if Mexico wanted nukes from Russia?
When your PM name is Kid Starver what do you suppose will happen?
Trump isnt open on anything. He says something then the opposite and then agree with both statements. This isnt an exception. He said some of the most inhumane shit about the palestinians i ever heard, and he also criticized Netanyahu harder than any potus ever did. If you say he is clear about this issue, please teach us because the rest of the world cant say the same. And to add some context, 1b is a very rookie number, to say at least. Biden did 8b a few days ago in a single move. Idk if hes testing the waters with the american public and will subsequently give more or if he is giving a farewell kiss to israel and wont send a penny from now on, but theres 0 chance any potus could go without paying tribute to aipac, even if meager
Have you considered the possibility that this is not what people who voted against KKKlansmala wanted, but trump did it anyway?
If you want to be a slave, good for ya
I said that if you dont agree with something, thats ok but dont take it away from other people. You said that same thing, but also that im wrong. Thats interesting
If you dont like X posts, you can not open X links. But dont make others unable to view it if they want
Very good! Can you make a crayon drawing of that?
US cant compete, so others must be wrong
Did i hear that one before? North korea or something?
Do not forget to show this database to the police officer before he beats you to death for carrying a water bottle
Some brains are smoothier than others
People pay too much atention to what this dude says. He says sonething, then the opposite and then he agrees with both points. And people still listen