why anyone would go to Fyre Festival 2, after what happened at Fyre Festival… is beyond me.
Like. How dumb can you be?
why anyone would go to Fyre Festival 2, after what happened at Fyre Festival… is beyond me.
Like. How dumb can you be?
Probably the batteries, yeah?
what makes you think they haven’t? right there on the resolute desk?
Naw. There’s no mention of the cop shouting “Murica! Fuck Yeah!”
you might want to lay off the church’s coolaid. They’re still protecting priests and pastors. The only time they don’t is when public backlash is so high it’s no longer feasible to do so. For every pedopriest you hear about there are another dozen doing the same thing quietly.
sex trafficking has always been part of human behavior, probably even before we were technically modern humans. And it probably always will be. This isn’t pessimism. this is reality. If you want some optmimism, know there’s also always been people standing against it, doing what they can to end it. but it’s not a fight that ends until humanity ends.
Epstein didn’t create the demand for sex trafficking and grooming minors. he “just” exploited it.
Is he a monster? absolutely.
But he didn’t create the demand, and the people creating this chaos? they’re his clients. After Epstein got caught… somebody else became the one to provide the service. because there’s plenty of monsters wanting to fill that role.
Cars do that.
If they’re made by ketamine addicted toddlers.
They’re also bad at doing things a car does.
Oh and they might kill grandma.
you’re right. it’s actually a 66% increase. Still. point stands. it’s a bet I’d win.
If eggs were 6/dozen, and prices rose to 10/dozen… that’s already a 40% increase.
so like…
yeah. I’d take that bet.
third time’s the charm? or is this fourth? i’ve lost count.
A whole bunch of chuckefucks need to get chuckle-fucking primaried.
He has bone spurs. always has had bone spurs.
Trump isn’t making cuts.
Presidents don’t get to cut funding. He’s stealing your money.
I kinda want all their printers to spontaniously combust and catch fire.
And the insurance payouts on that to be the cause.
or something like that.
This is the same company that sells an entire printer at a loss, as a semi-disposable item, so you’ll be suckered into buying their proprietary ink cartridges at the low low price of an arm and a dick. Inefficiency? From the company that makes disposable fucking printers? yeah that sounds about right.
small point of fact… they’re no longer loss leaders. They’re making a profit on the printer too, now. they only did that to push out other brands in the space- they’re at 20+% global market share… and that’s just HP branded printers. they own some other junky brands.
They want to see my dick, they need to subscribe to my only fans.
yes. Agreed. but it’s still bad business.
He’s so doped up on ketamine that he can’t even get the order right