@aeronmelon I hear it consistently praised as one of the best things in Chromebooks.
@aeronmelon I hear it consistently praised as one of the best things in Chromebooks.
Might I ask where you buy from? I’d like to make the switch, but since I live in another country and get my items here through courier, getting everything I need in one or two packages is significantly cheaper for me.
I’ve used SMS exactly 3 times in my life, all 10+ years ago. My phone plan doesn’t even include SMS anymore. It boggles my mind that people use SMS in the US, and I mean that seriously.
If you live in most of Europe or definitely Latin America, yeah, it is so popular it’s kind of inconceivable not to use it, or at least hard to imagine. I genuinely don’t understand how people in the US communicate.
If you created a page called “Wugphile” I would totally think it was about linguistics :D