My app does embed your image, but opening in external or just looking at the host thingy on the Lemmy website shows that it is uploaded to Imgur. May be something Memmy does automatically?
My app does embed your image, but opening in external or just looking at the host thingy on the Lemmy website shows that it is uploaded to Imgur. May be something Memmy does automatically?
Tbf npp has much more functionality than regular notepad.
Just the syntax highlighting alone probably dramatically lowers the amount of text it can render.
Which is why (iirc) DuckDuckGo uses bing as the actual search engine.
Edit: misread your comment, thought it said bing (as in the search) is honestly really good
Which imo it is, once you strip out all the other bullshit like DuckDuckGo does
You don’t need to root the stock ROM to install a custom one, you just need an unlocked bootloader
Your answer is much shorter and to the point, but for the people that understand things better with visuals, here’s a Veritasium video about this exact thing
It would be like saying that if 99% of Linux users used RedHat.
AOSP is open source sure, but realistically basically everyone is using a closed source version that the OEM has messed with.