As opposed to a sex cult that is under control? /s
As opposed to a sex cult that is under control? /s
I’m not going to kill your dream but be careful. Lots of it would probably be covered in hydrazine which is super duper toxic.
So that all that’s left in America is dipshits and bountiful breeders. That’s a recipe for Idiocracy.
My breakfast is an over easy egg on homemade toast every morning. It’s relatively low calorie and contains a good amount of protein to give me a feeling of fullness. Eggs are great sources of protein and aren’t as damaging to the environment as something like bacon, ham, or sausage.
It’s been built into the culinary culture of the United States. Just as much as beans for breakfast in the UK or pasta in Italy. Hell, even carbonara was born in Italy during the second world war because Americans asked italians to make hearty american meals with pasta and eggs. Its probably because America was/is so large that many households used to raise chickens for an easy source of protein when meat wasn’t as easily transported in the 1800s and early 1900s. All you needed was a backyard, a coop to keep them safe from raccoons/foxes/hawks/etc., and food. Its not as common now but maggots are an excellent food source for chickens and it’s super simple to build a “maggot farm” with compost. Plus you would get free dirt for the garden out of it.
This is what I use as well. It even has Open Street Maps profile integration.
I’m with you in the first half, but complaining about using the word y’all and calling it cultural appropriation is a strange take to me. Maybe it’s because I don’t believe in cultural appropriation (in the general sense of the term). Culture that’s shared is strengthened and grows. Rome became the strongest civilization in history on the basis of incorporating foreign people into their society (against their will most often) and through long distance trading. I’m less educated on dynasties in the far east and how they functioned because there’s far less documentation of their history, but that kinda proves my point.
This seems like a super long response to just a throwaway comment, but I’ve been really thinking lately about what it means to be human and I think I’ve narrowed it down to one word. Sharing. Sharing information, culture, land, resources, experience, fortune, pain, ideas…etc. So maybe I helped convince you to share aspects of your culture or not, but I at least wanted to try.
The being made of steel and featuring sharp angles makes the whole ‘being lower is safer point’ moot. It would cut people in half if it hits them at speed.
Please cite all the systemic issues solved with peace
The Onion is buying it to kill it. They won’t want to recklessly spend a good chunk of their valued worth just to cut off the head of a hydra. Even if it’s better for the family’s true intentions of silencing Jones.
Out of curiosity, if you need to ride share on Uber or Lyft and the driver has a Tesla would you continually cancel until it was a different vehicle? Im not trying to be snarky.
The windows are laminated I believe, so they won’t shatter. It’s unfortunately quite common in many modern vehicles now. It used to be just the front windshield.
The second scenario could be a little more muddy. You may be saving electricity by keeping the fridge closed and preventing the condenser from having to run as often. Mileage may vary by fridge snack checks and insulation, but it at least could be a potential power saver in theory.
I don’t know if you watch boxing regularly or not, but that match wasn’t close. Tyson won the first 2 rounds because he had enough energy to land a couple of good shots due to experience, but when he ran out of steam Jake just toyed with him until it went 8. Jake could have absolutely gotten a few knockdowns, but chose not to.
I say that having absolutely zero respect for the Paul brothers. They’re both class A douchebags. Logan more than Paul in my opinion because of the suicide forest incident, but Jake won this fight unanimously and relatively easily.
I bet she still gets executed despite the proceeding judge’s opinion. It happened already in Missouri this year. The prosecuting attorney hit a potential juror during the jury selection because he was a young black male. There was contamination of evidence. The governor overturned the previous governors stay of execution. And in the end an innocent man was executed anyway.
“We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions-bound together by a single unity, the unity of freedom and equality. Whoever seeks to set one nationality against another, seeks to degrade all nationalities.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Probably made for a good day at work. I know I wouldn’t mind if I knew it was a neo-nazi
Probably made for a good day at work. I know I wouldn’t mind if I knew it was a neo-nazi
If we don’t ever get to see the families of Sandy Hook take his money, I would at the very least hope to see Alex Jones incarcerated with no ability to reach a public audience. That’s not all though. His only source of news should be restricted to daily governmental briefings on what democratic elected officials are doing and left-leaning news organizations coverage. One more thing. We give him a recording session of 1 hour every month so everyone gets their dose of schadenfreud.
Because Tyreek Hill isn’t going to shoot a police officer during a traffic stop on the day of a game?
Okay. Don’t conflate this with me supporting ICE or the fascio-authoritarian state…BUT, lots of wealthy Americans are traveling to Mexico for healthcare because it’s cheaper, faster, and in some cases just flat out better. I hope this is the case for the kid. If it is, she may have hit the lottery when she needed it most. They get a free ticket out of the US, potentially better healthcare, and maybe a shit load of money for the government ignoring her rights.