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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2023


  • That’s so interesting! As a kid I remember not liking much music until I found some individual songs that I loved, then I couldn’t get enough and albums were my thing!

    I’m a bit of both on albums - some I have on end to end no matter what (R.E.M especially), but then there’s some bands I’m like you and wander off halfway through! :)

    Trying to think of bands that genre-hop and might be fun for you end-to-end on one disc

  • Great thread idea, I’m going to listen to a batch of these as they sound excellent! :)

    For me I’m utterly loving the new Kim Deal* album “Nobody Loves You More” - it came out today, and oh yes it’s good!

    It’s unexpected with style, almost 60s with brass and strings at times, then there’s other songs that sound modern… and beyond making my ears happy, it’s great songwriting :)

    *(Former Pixies bassist and the fronthuman for the Breeders)

  • I can second this! For me it meant that I could finish my game of modded fallout new vegas, and connect to my work’s microsoft vpn nonsense (IT support didn’t fancy trying it on Mint but that’s another story!)

    I now have a personal OS that I like, and a windows partition for those few things that I can’t be bothered to troubleshoot.

    So far the list is just those things and the Unity Engine as Visual Studio debugs better than code in my experience. :)

    Having the option to flick back is great :) In the XP days, I loved the WUBI(?) tool that let you install ubuntu dual boot as an exe, but I think that’s not a thing these days., :)