Make a read only file/folder with the same name and the script should fail. But that is horseshit.
Make a read only file/folder with the same name and the script should fail. But that is horseshit.
Citizenship is usually determined by where your parents have citizenship or where you were born. In Mexico, if the parent has citizenship, the kids can be nationalized. China could be harder though, if the Chinese parent was an American citizen. I have no idea how they’d treat it if that citizenship was revoked, but the kids wouldn’t normally be citizens if a Chinese parent acquired American citizenship and had the kids born as Americans. Normally countries don’t get into revoking citizenship because everyone has to have a country or last resort who is obligated to take them. Would be a rough situation to be stuck in. If you have money, you can buy citizenship in a lot of places though. Lots of EU countries allow that too.
This guy sounds like a straight shooter with upper management written all over him. Legend.
Nothing stopping everyone else from having a posh wank now and again.
A kitchen sink. Did an impromptu kitchen reno due to a gas leak and being without one is such a huge downgrade in quality of life. I was washing dishes in the bathtub nightly and it was absolutely miserable. I don’t think I’ve ever been more appreciative of the technology of modern plumbing than the day I was able to rerun lines to the sink area and get it all going.
I don’t see Out of Space on here. It’s pretty fun and challenging.
Goat Simulator is silly fun, especially with kids.
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is awesome since it lets you play up to 4 player co-op.
Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse is a good co-op twin stick shooter.
We knew that if you pressed the satellite button and channel up/down, it let you manually move the dish, and it didn’t care how long you did it. There were also numbers to indicate the position of the dish. The rest was just sheer determination.
Had C-band satellite as a teen. All the good channels locked. But if the satellite Spacenet 1 transponder 18 was locked, you could “fine tune” the reception from say, Galaxy 3 transponder 18 by holding the step up or down button, and manually swing the dish halfway across the sky to the same position where Spacenet 1 is. As the descrambler thinks you are watching a different satellite altogether, there is no more lock. And since you never actually visited a bad channel, no way to tell with history or last buttons.
True, and it even tracks with the lack of success for Joan Rivers’ talk show career.
I’m so deaf I could sit in a room full of large, sweaty men slurping chicken off drumsticks while making open-mouthed, gruntled dad noises with every gasping breath, and it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. Well, other than such a room existing, that is.
Does your PC have an Intel or AMD CPU? Congrats, you don’t have to worry about Recall. At least for now, it only works on Copilot+ PCs with ARM processors.
Ooh, I remember playing Monster Maze and Math Hurdler on a dual-sided cassette. Avenger (basically Space Invaders) on cartridge. Also typed in Killer Comet and Tank vs UFO from a magazine. Last one was probably the best of the lot.
But coming up against a full grown 800 pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends, you lose that battle, you lose that battle 9 times out of 10.
I dunno man. I quickly learned to avoid Chrome at all costs because of the performance. Even when it was supposedly “good”, it was always a massive memory hog. Never had that issue with Firefox, and if it ended up taking a few seconds longer here and there to load a page, it would pale in comparison to the overall hit to the system from Chrome. Like being penny wise and pound foolish.
There’s nothing like the sight of a shorn Skarsgård; it’s breathtaking, I suggest you try it.
Cisco ACI. What a janky, buggy mess. Dozens of clicks to accomplish tasks you used to be able to do in less than 5 seconds from the CLI. And the GUI is laid out like a fever dream. You need to script everything to be even close to efficient, even unique one off tasks, and then you spend more time editing scripts than it used to take to do jobs manually from the CLI. We have one environment with a couple hundred independently managed switches that one guy can manage pretty effectively with little to no automation. It takes a dozen people to manage an environment with about three hundred switches and they are always fixing stupid bugs. The staff turnover there is hilarious. Most people try it for a while and then run for the hills.
Absolutely this. Because it is never clear which is meant without being qualified, you have to do this every time unless you specify. I would just say Saturday the 4th to save the exchange.
In case you want to use it more than once.