During Lost Mines of Phandalver we’ve entered an orc cave and seen an ogre among them. Since we knew ogres aren’t that intelligent and we all had some form of telepathy (no darkvision though), we’ve decided to convince him that he’s a champion of Kelemvor (my paladin’s god).
Our sorcerer cast prestidigitation to get their attention, and our fighter used her telepathy to tell the ogre “listen to the short guy in heavy armor that will come here in a minute”,roll deception… Nat 20.
A fight with orcs later, I’ve explained the basics of my religion to the ogre and renamed him Shrek. Now he’s running a church in Conyberry.
Imagine that there’s a paving slab that sticks out right outside of your house, often causing you to fall. If that’s the 50th time you fall over due to this thing, you probably will curse at it, no matter how emotionally mature you are.
Now exchange falling over to being trolled.
Gojira: L’enfant Sauvage
8 (2^3) if we count doing nothing, 7 otherwise
The Poetic Edda by Synestia and Disembodied Tyrant
Now let’s all make sure it won’t escalate to the point of current South Korea
Edit: I have no idea how did my autocorrect change of to I’d
Relevant videos by Moon Channel (warning: LONG):
Pretty sure EU law says that the buttons should be identical
Or infinite corners, depending on who you ask
When corners are cut, they multiply, so they’re not scared of losing corners, but rather of corner inflation
Is that a combination of goregrind and porngrind?
What was in that syringe and who had had it on themselves?
Archspire - death metal + speed rap
The Browning - electronicore
Avatar of Hate, Fleshgod Apocalypse - symphonic death metal
Angel Maker - melodic deathcore
Bleed from Within - melodic metalcore
Beast in Black - power metal
Mors Principium Est - melodic death metal
Good thing most of the bands I listen to have less than 300k listens on most of their songs
I’m using it mainly for development, keeping all the gaming to windows
Nope, that’s the beginning of the song “Nightcrawler’s” by Signs of the Swarm
Can do.
Calm intro
The sound, of bones cracking let me know that she’s near a hateful, unwanted presence that feeds off of fear
I’m using Pop OS, pretty good IMO
…Why does anybody need raw genotypes so much that this happened?
The current method of creating monocrystals, a very important thing for modern processing units, has been created by a tired researcher that dipped his pen in molten tin instead of ink