Do you know of an alternative that allows custom music and sounds? I haven’t found anything that works well.
Jeez, were one of the two devices 10 years old? That hasn’t been my experience for a long time (except the duplex audio issue. I can’t believe it’s still terrible.)
Then again, I mostly use BT for the convenience. Being able to do yard work with zero wires is amazing.
Cheers to that!
It sounds like you’re looking at this like you’re choosing someone to marry. I’ll wait for the one. I don’t want to settle. Etc… but you may never, ever get a candidate you like. Instead, I suggest you think of it like picking a city bus. Is this one going where I want to go? Probably not but it’s closer. And unfortunately, in this metaphor, you have to get on a bus anyway. “Sitting this one out” just means getting on someone else’s bus.
Unfortunately that’s not how our system currently works. The least you can do is undo one Nazi’s vote
Very cool! Thanks for making this and sharing.