Thanks. I’m stealing it.
This won’t work. Do you want more unmedicated people with guns?
People with mental health issues wouldn’t ever seek care if owning a firearm was linked to healthcare. Now we’re stigmatizing mental health treatment.
We want people to get care and be managed so they can live a normal life.
Time to donate some blood I guess. *sigh
Moist people don’t mind the occasional typo
Moist people don’t mind the occasional typo
Probably helped lower some risk, too.
Wasn’t there some controversy with who had the first flying machine? There was supposedly some guy in CT that flew an aircraft before the brothers?
EDIT - found this article Three states bicker over ‘first in flight’ claim
Your age, divided by 2, then add 7 = minimum age that most of society will deem okay.
For example:
25 ÷ 2 = 12.5 + 7 = 19.5
So the acceptable age for you to date that avoids the ‘ick’ is around 19 years old. Honestly it’s not a big deal in the long run.
For me as long as your above 18 and it’s consentual (ie. not forced, pressured, or groomed, etc), it’s fine.
Don’t forget pathological problems like forgetfulness, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Scammers have no qualms with stealing from people with disabilities.
That’s terrible, bee-hive yourself, pls
Probably on par with how the other safety stuff in the country is. Bad, not talked about, and actively suppressed if discovered.
Let me help you
Cost more up front: yes, new stuff always does
Range is never real not even close: evidently tesla has been lying about range, but for the most part, if you use an AC in an electric vehicle the batteries die sooner…which is the same with ICE vehicles. Use more energy = deplete faster.
Expensive to replace: yes
Wear out sooner than ice engines? Oh I don’t know about that. There’s no moving parts in an electric car. No oil to change, timing belts, no yearly tightening. There’s still tires, brake fluid, and a host of new issues though. But they do not wear out sooner than ICE vehicles.
Lack of charging stations: yes, a limited problem, but in my area there are tons of them and you also charge at home and work (work is free, so it’s free gas)
Slow to charge? 10-15mins wait is really not a deal breaker, you’re just making some extra time to use the bathroom and get coffee.
Useless on road trips: I personally just rented a full electric and did an 800 mile round trip. It was not that bad.
Range worse in winter: goes along with ‘that’s how batteries work’. Plan your trip.
It’s better for environment to keep older car on the road? Hard NO. Older ICE cars are less efficient with gas, which uses more gas. Getting a newer more efficient ICE car is better for the environment.
Creating a battery is bad for the environment up front, but after that there’s a very small impact over the lifetime usage of that battery.
On the other hand, creating an ICE engine is light on the environment, but through its lifetime pollutes. Way larger impact on the environment than the electric.
I honestly want you to enumerate them because discussion helps and is an opportunity to progress the ideas. Just because we disagree, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t share the ideas. I enjoy discussion and I try hard to not be inflammatory or rude.
You should tell me where the “flags” are so I can look back and think on it.
To summarize:
The article discusses a CDC report about stats on children which includes adults, and discusses homicides of black inner city adolescents, and suicides of white adolelescents that are on the rise since the pandemic. The loss of life is terrible.
Self defense is a right, not a hobby. The potential loss of life is terrible.
Between #1 and #2, you and I have to navigate to find a solution that satisfies both of us.
We can agree that any life lost to anything is too much.
I wish you the best.
deleted by creator
I’m sorry, but the ability to defend myself and my family isn’t a hobby. It’s what gave my mother the ability to fend off a guy with a knife last year. You want her to fight him off with her bare hands in the parking lot? I had a friend who was almost gang raped by three men in an alley. She now carries a giant gun in her purse and you want her defenseless?
Not everyone has the luxury of police around the corner or to see guns as a hobby like you do. Especially the population of “children” you’re referring to. Let me shed some light for you.
The fact is that these stats aren’t a majority school shootings. These homicides are male inner city black ADULT youth who are given the worst cards in life and they have gotten zero attention. This is gang violence politicized.
The pandemic hit this population hardest and the facts show it here. Look at deaths from ALL types of things and it’s gone up in this particular minority population. It’s disheartening because it’s been like this for decades and people are thinking it would be solved if only you could remove the guns.
The appropriate response is (if you’re not already) supporting programs and services that help people who are suffering from poverty and mental health illness. Not making my family and friends defenseless.
Edit - My mother wanted to add that she also peppered sprayed the guy the week before. He came back.
Yeah, it’s misleading. Especially considering the hot topic use of firearms.
Regardless of which side of the fence you sit on, we can agree that data should be free of the organization present here. The discussion isn’t helped by this interpretation of the interpretation and it surely needs helping.
I’m not arguing that though. I totally agree that any loss of life is wrong.
And the use of child in your context is different from the use of child in the context of this discussion.
This is the only semi-legitimate reason I can get behind. For kids in grade-school.
If anybody outside of grade-school brings this up, I would laugh and ignore.