I got many apps installed. I don’t keep in my memory what I have. How do I check that I don’t have any from those compromised?
Well, tough shit. Maybe don’t invest in batshit insane dictatorships?
Does this apply to Freetube, Invidious and other yt mirrors?
Wasn’t there a Warhammer lore Attenborough channel already?
Who knew R&D is expensive?
3 and 7
I assume you can chain teleport and thus move pretty fast. Seeing that a container is empty can be useful I imagine.
Is it not customary to turn off the robot before inspecting it?
To that they will immediately answer - but do you want all your youtube habits to be in the hands of the government?
Bush may have started devastating wars that lasted for decades, but I blame Trump for the war in Ukraine. There have been no worse war since WWII. And it may have been prevented if Ukraine would’ve received the military assistance during his Presidency they were asking for before Russia invaded.
I’d resolve one of those mathematical conjectures that have bounty on them. The proof would simply be that the answer to my question was quaranteed to be true due to the OP’s implication.
I wonder how their opa figured this out. Did he try it out and encountered problems when starting the motor? Then maybe got suggestion to add a capacitor?
I honestly thought this is a post in some kind of jokes community.
I don’t think they know how volume calculations work. When I read 1000 Capybaras, I though “huh, that’s not actually that big”, until they say it’s actually the diameter or that much capybaras.
EDIT: I did some pocket calculations and it seems like 1000 capybaras can fit into an around 13 capybara diameter sphere.
As Cameron said, when you hear these “warnings” they tell you that you are already dead.
Why do you want them to see your posts and comments so much? The rest of the federation should be plenty of audience, right?
Belief doesn’t need confirmation, but knowledge assumes some confirmation.