I remember ‘Braid’ being very good. A number of different time manipulation mechanics throughout the different levels of the game. Puzzle platformer.
There’s an anniversary edition planned so maybe stick it on a wish list for now.
I remember ‘Braid’ being very good. A number of different time manipulation mechanics throughout the different levels of the game. Puzzle platformer.
There’s an anniversary edition planned so maybe stick it on a wish list for now.
Doing what I can to document but I’m realizing that it’s a deliberately informal workplace likely to avoid this type of records keeping.
We’ll see how Tuesday goes but I don’t see them not getting involved.
My brother is a Health and Safety trainer, auditor etc. He’s been a good resource and I’m confident of my standing but have reached out to several people I know that facilitate legal resources if needs be.
Yup. I have emails and such that I’m backing up. I have multiple witnesses to conversations. I’m engaging resources that I have outside of work as well in terms of legal next steps and making sure I can keep affording my medication.
Still internal. So by exposed I mean legally they have been informed of this negligence and not acted in a timely manner to address it. I gave them a week to do what they need to do and Friday went to another employees house after work and went over the SDS for the chemical that has possible injured him because they had yet to inform him. They had their chance.
Long weekend so Tuesday a machine isn’t get turned on and by Wednesday they start losing about 2k every 4 minutes.
Pretty bad shit. Corrosive enough to blind or nerve damage within 3 minutes. Long term aerosol exposure rating of 2mg/m3.
I’ve recently exposed what I think constitutes criminal negligence at my company for safe handling of various chemicals. Pretty sure I’m getting fired on Tuesday.
The Last Man on Earth was also amazing and under recognized.
I don’t know, sorry. Just saw that detail on the wiki page but didn’t want to link a page of spoilers.