Your username doesn’t make me feel awesome about getting in a Nissan or Ford built after 2016.
Your username doesn’t make me feel awesome about getting in a Nissan or Ford built after 2016.
There would be so many weird egg posts on social media. Could you imagine how horrible “influencers” would be that do extravagant gender reveals if they had an egg to display?
Also weird egg porn would be a thing which I preemptively find rather disturbing.
No not really. It does the various services for the most part, but Active Directory is exclusively a Microsoft product. Group Policy in particular also does not have a drop in replacement that’s any sort of sane.
A bunch of enterprise services are Windows only. Also Active Directory is by far the best and easiest way to manage users and computers in an org filled with a bunch of end users on Windows desktops. Not to mention the metric shitload of legacy internal asp applications…
Right? This is just poor understanding of food safety. People that practice poor food safety have a higher chance of getting foodborne illness. Shocking.
Wild game especially should be handled with care because it has a higher risk of contamination. If this was an outbreak of Trichinosis from eating undercooked farm raised pigs that would at least be marginally news worthy. Getting it from undercooked wild game is like borderline expected.
They’re bugs. Major ones. Fundamental flaws in the program. People with a vested interest in “AI” rebranded them as hallucinations in order to downplay the fact that they have a major bug in their software and they have no fucking clue how to fix it.
The above comment has also been consumed by AI for training purposes.
Yeah totally that’s why I said they were basically morally corrupt and used them as an example of smart people doing bad things… Maybe your judgement is a bit clouded?
I can just imagine you sitting there with a little astronaut helmet on, eating astronaut ice cream, and drinking Tang while watching the Challenger go up. Just slowly taking off your helmet, pouring out your tang, and chunking the astronaut ice cream in the dumpster. Then little InternetUser2012 just kind of saying to themself, “Yeah I don’t know what I was thinking. That shit is WAY more dangerous than I thought!”
In fairness, just reading about the Challenger also made me do about the same thing when I was a kid. I thought going to space was about the coolest thing I could think of to do. Then when I was in the like the 3rd or 4th grade I read about the Challenger and was like, “On second thought, I don’t think I want to go to space after all.”
Gates is insanely intelligent, like demonstratably so. Musk and Bezos are also very highly intelligent people. Do they have terrible, awful, even downright despicable views? Absolutely. But don’t be fooled, all three of those people are incredibly smart with actual high IQs (not in the braggart, “I have a very high IQ.” sense either).
Intelligence doesn’t translate to empathy or wisdom. Some of the least book smart people I’ve met have been profoundly wise at times, and some of those same people were incredibly empathetic. Unfortunately, I think all three of those people (Musk, Bezos, and Gates) are lacking in those traits, but saying they aren’t in fact measurably intelligent is only fooling yourself.
I say this as someone who was raised by a measurably very highly intelligent person who could be, and was, a complete monster at times, and had some really twisted views on the world/other people. Lucky for me I didn’t inherit that innate Intelligence I guess!
For a real answer here’s the Zscaler blog write up: https://www.zscaler.com/blogs/security-research/technical-analysis-anatsa-campaigns-android-banking-malware-active-google
It looks like they are doing it after app install with a malicious patch. This patch asks for SMS and accessibility access to gain privileges necessary to get into the banking apps. I haven’t thoroughly read it but just looking at the attack chain that’s what I gleaned.
Why reach for a fictional example when so many real world examples exist? Just curious because I think of Bezos, Musk, and to a lesser degree Gates as examples of smart people doing bad things. I mean there’s several very smart people that have done good things as well but those are harder to come by. Even people like Alfred Nobel created something he thought would save the lives of miners only for his invention to be used for war. Einstein also did a lot for the advancement of theoretical physics and his work was subsequently used as the foundation of the atomic bomb. It’s actually way harder to come up with a Tony Stark type smart “good guy” in the real world for me because reality is often far more grey.
That’s a completely different argument…
This is such weird logic. The Foo Fighters are millionaires that have a ton of leeway with what shows they do because they don’t really need more money to survive. The guy that frames houses probably isn’t working for a morally great company but that dude starves without the job.
Bands who break through walls with speakers
Not just try to sell you sneakers
You want bands who wanna sell you things
Or bands who wanna tell you things?
One of the last punk dudes still making a statement instead of doing shows for 50 year old execs.
I think most foods. Soup, stew, and some sauces I’m fine with reheated/leftover. I still think it changes the flavor though and for sure screws with the texture. Air fryer/convection ovens make some things okay to reheat but again still screws with flavor/texture. I personally just would rather make meals fresh.
Some people just prefer meal prepping and that’s fine. There’s also a fairly sizable contingent of people that if you asked them if they could just take a pill instead of eating they would be perfectly happy doing so. It’s just not for me. I personally really like to cook and I also enjoy eating the things I cook. So I’m kind of on the other side of that spectrum.
Interesting design choice to store the model year as a date instead of an int. I guess it was probably done for a reason but I’m having a hard time thinking of one.