Of course it does. OP asked multiple questions, this was sipposes to answer why they used KDE instead of Gnome. I personally think Arch would have the advantage of having the newewst drivers, Proton version etc. available.
Of course it does. OP asked multiple questions, this was sipposes to answer why they used KDE instead of Gnome. I personally think Arch would have the advantage of having the newewst drivers, Proton version etc. available.
Bro, “Puritanism” is a religious movement of the 16-17th century. Maybe you mean purism?
(Serious) question: How do you stand not being able to select individual tracks? I honestly would rather listen to my music in any of the free frontend apps rather than being limited to that extent…
Honestly, what does this change? For paid users nothing, and the free version was always unusable with you not being able to individually select songs.
The US government doesn’t want an adversary government to have the data of its citizens (because of varios reasons, including mass manipulation for example). They would of course have no issue with having that data themselves though (also because then they would be more in control over how the data is handled).
Perhaps their stack is on Windows 2005 Server
But not for a foreign government (from their perspective).
Do you need help lifting the rock you’re living under?
Rewe also sells products by weight (mainly unpackaged fruits and vegetables).
…do you not understand how basic math works?
I do, actually. My whole point was that you need basic maths in your everyday life even though you have a calculator on your phone. You jumped right into the 6th comment in this thread without reading what this is about, didn’t you?
You don’t know how much you need to pay for it if you only know the price of 1kg but you buy half a kilo.
Reminds me of Bo Burnham’s song New Math
But if you want to buy only half a kg, you don’t know how much it costs (if you dont know basic maths)- because it only lists the price for a full kg. Do you start pulling out your Excel for that?
“Can I get that salad medium-rare please?”
It says you only have ten seconds, I doubt you could log onto another (Unix) computer in that time, open the terninal, run the man oage and then run over and enter a valid command…
You literally dont have to pay for that. You can choose to not do that. It would be pretty dumb of you to do that but it’s possible.
Thats probably more of a correlation though. Like, the drivers that leave that much space are probably doing so only because they know they arent paying attention. If they were paying attention, a 2s distance would be safer.
7 seconds means they didnt have a full bladder. A minute means they stopped somewhere in between or you didnt count correctly.
Every time, a good 75% of people stand up before it’s allowed and it annoys me every time.
(Their point was that Spotify’s free version is sufficient because they only want the things mentioned)