Yeah but now the voice says hes been picked up by ice and they are sending them off and don’t care about his citizenship or due process.
Yeah but now the voice says hes been picked up by ice and they are sending them off and don’t care about his citizenship or due process.
Thats wild. I don’t have much hope for llm’s if things like this is how they are doing things and I would not be surprised given how well they don’t work. Too much quantity over quality in training.
Any idea what the point of these are then? Sounds like its reporting a fake bug.
I mean if trump were not in office and if we were talking the one russia took over and we would give it back afterwards then this would make some sense. Sounds like he is saying the us should take over all their infrastructure though and of course he would eff up anything under him.
You get my standard reply that I use zorin which is an ubuntu based distro that tries to give the look of feel of windows and has a lot of default installed things like wine/playonlinux, libreoffice, app for disc burning, rdp client, basically most everything I would want for day to day use. It is not necessarily the best gaming distro and its certainly not bleeding edge. Its a great install and get to doing things right away distro to me which is what I want.
lack of sun in winter means its right out. its always nice to not be bundled up but height of summer can be oppressive which is like mid to late. Thing with spring and some degree fall is it can be wet and colder than you want for rain. I don’t know if I have one favorite season but I think I have the most days I enjoy being outdoors in the summer with it usually tending to be earlier summer and then spring and then fall with winter being the bottom of the tier. Even if the sun were out in winter I think it would be bottom. Its nice having a few snowy days to enjoy if its not bitterly cold but it loses its charm pretty fast.
I mean boomers were not necessarily watching the shows at that time. Its possible it was more silent generation or greatest generation. I mean I don’t know but also who watches what now is abit skewed due to all the options. Streaming stuff was not until post 2k, flicks by mail were late 90’s so before that was just broadcast, cable, and video shows and that came in the 80’s. Before that was just broadcast. Its one reason everyone knows friends and seinfeld because it was still in the time were nearly everyone watched what was broadcast and if they missed it they could tape it.
yeah im just saying one show does not mean anything. heck andy griffith was more a small town show than a cop show. The town was so small that the sherrifs office was one of the few public services in the area. It was more akin to little house on the prarie. I mean going the opposite we have blue bloods, chicago p.d, swat, fbi, the rookie, oncall are all recent cop shows but we also have 911, chicago fire, station 19. I would say cop vs general emergency responder vs hospital/doctor show ratios are not that different today than back when boomers were the main television audience. Those types of shows were always popular structures to run dramas from. Both I would say have about the same on private eye type stuff although there was a period. sometime around the original fantasy island I would say. were there was an unusually large amount of private eye ones for some reason.
Which one. Andy griffith or emergency?
If one show is proof then my counter argument would be emergency.
Sorry this does not answer your question but zorin os it a great out of the box distro that tries to look and feel like windows and has almost everything you need as part of the installation including wine and play on linux and an rdp client. it has the ubuntu software gui interface but if you use it I would prioritize learning to use apt at the command line as I feel the gui software thing as a bit pants. I used unix extensively in my tech career but did not use it as a daily driver (for a variety of “reasons”) till under a year ago where windows 11 just made it necessary to do. I have future plans to go to an immutable but man zorin is great for a quick and dirty up and running thing. Also if you have an old laptop throw it on that. You will be amazed at how it may outperform your newer machine with windows.
I don’t think folks are loathe to the idea their just aren’t jobs that allow for that anymore and if they did they don’t provide an equitable enough deal to make it desireable. If folks got promoted by working hard then folks would value it now but it does not happen. All that wraps into the american dream. Honestly I don’t think the police were valued over firemen or emts.
pretty much the same but very heavily regulated capitalism. This capitalism should not have private land ownership. It should be recognized that the borders of the country are protected by the state and folks are essentially renting it. It should do long term contracts to encourage investment. The state should be involved with anything that all people need. food, housing, utilities, education, healthcare. They don’t need to be the only option but they should provide the minimum needed to everyone to live a healthy life. Excess and things people don’t need can be done by the free market provided there is enough competition. If there is not adequate competition then the state either provides its own option or regulate prices for whatever it is. Also very important that rights are only for physically existing citizens. No rights for corporations or any other logical entities with no physical existence. Taxes should be paid by all in a progressive manner and should be changed if its found individuals or entities are manipulating the rules to not pay them. This should theoretically keep anything from being to big to fail. Lastly tarrifs should be applied based on a metric for how democratic and free and equitable other societies are. If there is small wealth disparity and its a full democracy where people are largely free to do what they want. No tarrifs. non democracies with no freedom and massive wealth disaparity. high tarrifs.
Some selection pressure seems to be returning. anti mask (during a pandemic), anti vax, homeopathy. some folks seem to want to or have their kids die early.
if you got married before 2000 and had a decent job. especially if both did. having kids seemed like a thing to do. past 2000 anyone smart had to contend that the world of their kids adulthood did not seem like it would be great.
yeah and I have to say even nice smokers seem to have no issue with flicking their but when they are done. Anytime I see a smoker hold onto their but when there is not some sort of enforcement I am like. That person is the rare saint.
Funny. For me mosh pitts don’t have association with metal. I married an ozzy fan though.
I remember asking my company if they have official password management software in my job before my last job. They did not. I can’t believe we have all this specific software to be used at the company but they don’t put some time to identify what they want employees to use for this. Funny thing is security teams are such big deals but I think they actually don’t want to get involved in case it does not work out.
abby something
I appreciate the effort but I have to wonder if folks hanging inside Auschwitz had conversations like this.