What would you prefer? That some people drive slightly over the speed limit? Or a spot where people suddenly slam on the brakes to avoid getting a ticket, endangering those who might be behind them with their sudden change of speed?
Because the latter is what these devices tend to do.
Copious amounts of ethnicities also break the immersion for me. I’m 100% for modern inclusion, but if you’re showing 17th century England and every other character is black or Asian, you pretty much have to be willfully ignoring history. That’s not even getting into how others interact with the character, just the fact that those ethnicities would be rare in those times and locations.
What would you prefer? That some people drive slightly over the speed limit? Or a spot where people suddenly slam on the brakes to avoid getting a ticket, endangering those who might be behind them with their sudden change of speed?
Because the latter is what these devices tend to do.