Considering that statistically sigificant numbers here would be writen in blood a low threashold “better safe than sorry” approach deffintely is for the better.
And these are some crazy stats you found, thanks for posting that.
While i agree with your intent here i thing we should rather begin with a more thoughtful criticism of the articles, rather than criticizing the websites name or if it’s vibe can be considered pandering.
Like how the statistics used is hyperbolic in it’s conclusions. While 34,438 produced cars are many, but not loads in car terms (especially when compared to the 3,173,491 built Pintos) and the there have only been two actual accidents with fire fatalities leading to 4 deaths. (The Vegas firebombing should not count.) Sure it’s two to many but it’s not really significant.
On the other hand the article does point out something here, “only” 27 deaths did lead to a huge recall, and i for one am not sure that a company that have yet to commit for a NHTSA will adhere to a similar standard. And fire safety over all has been a long concern in Tesla cars.
I blame the anti-tankies. Like this is the only site i even see the termed even used and it looks like a weird hysteria for most. The community is already smal so it looks relay wired. Even this whinny attitude of blocking every one on this tiny space give real off vibes.
If you think you can stand up to fascism and perfectly respect property and act nice an moral all tge time you’re bloody useless.
It’s not nice, but it will hurt Musks so it’s good thing. I won’t shed a tear for any one with Tesla money either.
Had a metal festival in town with the gimmick that the bands had a soccer tornament on the side. Great fun.
Imagine the crazy quality egg you get in Japan for basic american egg money.
They gave him a tacky death threat, lol.
Every scandal is a cut where some people bleed over.
First of all, who painted a target on this guys foot?
Second of all, who left the gun unsupervised?
Why are you ignoring all the funds and arms sent to this entire different country? Do you think all that military aid is Russian disinfo?
So you don’t think Biden was complicit in the genocide? The one he funded?
Many Americans joining China’s social media platform RedNote are encountering strict censorship uncommon in Western platforms.
This has nothing to do with the first amendment in the first place.
Being banned from FB however as everything to do with common censorship on western platforms.
That is just ridiculous. Emergency services never enter any school, so they can’t disrupt any classes! And IF they do, and that is a pretty fucking big if, I agree with you, we should definitely ban emergency services! And after that we should ban the schools! That’s where all these shootings are happening! Shootings are of cource a natural occurrence might as well try to stop the weather, but schools? A waste of taxpayer money I say, ban them all! And why stop there? We should ban these so called homes as well, that is where home schooling happens! And the vast majority of shootings happens in the home, and combined with these volatile schools it’s clearly completely unsafe. Good call, I think we just solved it.
That is simply not true.
And if the teacher is subdued? Or if the emergency takes place on school grounds, but outside of the classroom? Etc.
There are many adults in any school and it’s not like the police will do much anyway :(
Nethanyahu did’t beg. Congress gave him longest standing ovation in living memory. Biden did nothing but bend over while Nethanyahu walk all over him, proclaiming that he preferred Trump the entire time.
Loosing any bases where never on the table. Biden allowed this to happen by ether incompetence or malice. Torpedering any premises of a rule based international order in the process.
Not even any corrupt judge. He pardoned the Cash4Kids judge.
So it’s a true statement in the sense that they made the healthcare system better at extracting profit from their costumers to serve the shareholders. Death and suffering is just a method. Andrew Witty, what a soulless shit.
This is beyond the tipping point where selective enforcement shows it face. If this is crossing the line practically any picture of politician or historical figure is inciting violence.