I switched to Linux full time (I’d gone back and forth for a while) about 10 years ago when my XP laptop died.
I had access to Windows 7 via work, but I didn’t like how much telemetry was being sent back to MS…
I switched to Linux full time (I’d gone back and forth for a while) about 10 years ago when my XP laptop died.
I had access to Windows 7 via work, but I didn’t like how much telemetry was being sent back to MS…
For Enterprise/Education you can disable the ‘recommended’ section entirely via group policy. Doesn’t work for Pro/Home versions though, from what I remember.
I don’t have a Windows 11 machine available, so I can’t get you the exact command, but this should get you there.
It should remove it from all users on the laptop, and (hopefully!) prevent it from coming back:
Open Powershell and run:
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object {$_.displayname -like "*Copilot*"}
Copy the Package Name entry and run the following command, with PACKAGENAME replaced by what you just copied:
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -packagename PACKAGENAME
It depends - are you Inigo Montoya?
I imagine their conversations go something like this:
“…unfortunately, they can no longer move anything else.”
That’s certainly one way to climb the corporate ladder…
For people like this, money isn’t a resource that they need to survive, it’s just a way of keeping score.
It’s like playing an idle game - you tweak the various settings and resources to get the most gain, and your reward is watching the numbers go up.
They’re no more connected to the numbers themselves than someone sitting at their computer playing Realm Grinder.
I can’t find the original study, but according to this NPR article they were all scheduled for surgical abortions.
The abortion pill is a two pill process - the study was to find out if progesterone injections could reverse the effects of taking the first pill only.