Still going? Lol, pathetic
Still going? Lol, pathetic
Take the L bro, you earned it
I had this problem so I just hit the high seas for a much better experience. Then I cancelled my service because clearly they didn’t want my business.
I drive my car like I stole it. I will continue to drive my car and beat on it like it owes me money. I will never put a dongle in my obd2 port from my insurance company. I will never have any stupid app I don’t need on my phone and my car is no longer hooked up to onstar. Fuck that. You put that shit in your car, you will never see lower rates, you’ll just see smarter advertising. However, if you drive like me, I’m sure they’ll charge you more or drop you.
Weak ass broke bitch, he gonna be sucking dicks for 20’s. (unless it’s Putin, then it’s free)
Ok, cool, jail it is. A huge W for America.
People still use spotify? Huh, TIL.
Mike Pence was at the one in 2018.
Her republikkklown neighbors are petty, petulant children. I hope she does well.
This genocide thing. What the fuck do you think tRump will do? Blaming Biden is honestly one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. It’s just a troll move to blame him. You think people will vote for tRump because of this??? BULLSHIT, tRump will be much worse, as he’s already said he would be. That’s troll shit. Do you blame gun manufacturers or gun sellers for gun murders? No, you blame the fucking people shooting the guns. At least Biden is trying to get them to call for a cease fire.
If he disapears tomorrow, maybe that’ll knock some sense into the republican party and they’ll get some actual politicians and work with the democrats instead of blindly voting no and anything they do, regardless of how good it is for people. These problems that you’re concerned about wouldn’t be problems if the right wasn’t trying to make the left look bad. So take the both sides shit and shove it up all the way up your ass.
Cult 45 is a bunch of pussies. How many of them are willing to die for a cheeto? There’s going to be enough military there this cult will get curb stomped in about .4 seconds. I hope they do, maybe it’ll take a few child molesters and a few future mass shooters off this planet.
Republican Neo-Nazi.
Quick question for you. What do you think tRump will do if he wins? You sound like a troll. You bring up Obama with drone strikes even though what was it, eight months in on tRumps presidency he already surpassed Obaman’s kills with drone strikes. Don’t have to answer that, we already know what you’re going to say, just answer this one, you a bot or troll?
I look forward to seeing pics from his incarceration with no makeup and no hair stylist. It’ll be epic.
If he or the GOP had any integrity whatsoever, he would. They don’t though, which is really ironic since ya know, law and order, patriots, merica, ect. The republican party is a joke.
The day the Challenger blew up was the day I stopped wanting to be an astronaut when I grew up.
If I can’t access a site with firefox, i won’t deal with online. I’ll call them and waste an employee’s time, or send payment in the mail. I’m not using chrome or an app and i don’t care.