are they really though, they seem quite concerned that the sales been falling.
are they really though, they seem quite concerned that the sales been falling.
IDK why they hate money so much, they’re tanking their company.
Yes. It’s literal fucking dogshit in the USA and Canada now and for a long time. I was a trucker, sometimes I had to eat there for lack of options. The only time I ever found it passable was somewhere in Montana, Rocking i think, where they cooked it fresh after I ordered like the old days, it tasted like 1995.
“Coma victims have poor aim” United Health, prpobably
I mean that’s obviously why he did it, but it was still a car bomb, not a malfunction.
The trick is not to write racist villains, you need to write villains with targeted cultural hatreds, that way, even people who disagree can see why.
If fresh water, at sea level, under certain barometric conditions and a temperature of 4 degrees, at the equator.
Yall never worked in trades and saw the group dyslexic figure east was west, north was south, write shit backwards until the coffee got to his brain and things reverted to normal/reality. Can’t even argue with them because they make rational sounding statements that are half batshit, but, they are 100 percent sure on until they get to be old dyslexics and recognize the tells from what others are saying.
Cubic isn’t a measure at all, it’s a shape.
Yknow we could just be seeing an extreme bout of dyslexia in a tired person.
I mean sometimes you just have to admit someone is dumb or has a specific deficiency and move on.
Sigh “There’s no way old black men can organize anything” See how stupid that suddenly sounds?
ummm “a bunch slightly racist old white Christian men can organize anything beyond the local and maybe state level.” (Looks at Congress and the Senate)
Because once upon a time, the lodges were where literal important historical figures worked out the details on their conspiracies.
as a tourist, with no health insurance, full billing but it’ll be actual at cost, not the inflated number used down south for the hospital company and insurance companies to argue over. Broken leg, say, probably set you back 5000 Canadian depending. Similar to the states at final billing.
The smart ones make sure their insurance covers international travel, same as I did.
It’s when a jury decides the person charged did commit the crime, but they for what ever reason thinks under the circumstances, he should be acquitted anyways. When you do hear about it, it’s often in the context of some parent being acquitted for murdering a pedophile, that interfered with the killers kids.
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no, try again. the point was more than clear.
A few years ago western Canadian Mcdonalds were advertising that their food was going to be served hot again, not warm. It’s pretty pathetic.