Ladybird looks great! Very much looking forward to an alpha linux release so I can use it and give all kind of feedback.
Ladybird looks great! Very much looking forward to an alpha linux release so I can use it and give all kind of feedback.
There’s already plenty of business web apps that require chrome. I specifically use a business focused web app that not only requires Chrome, but ONLY CHROME ITSELF and no chromium derivatives. That’s the first time I’ve come across that. I had previously seen chrome requirements, but they worked just fine on ungoogled chromium. Not this one, nope. Regular Google Chrome and nothing else. wtf is that garbage.
Just tried it out with my proton account. Looks great! It’s very simple, but I also like that about it. And of course being private is wonderful.
Windows 11 was what finally forced me over to linux for good, no more dual booting. I know it sounds strange, but the straw that broke its back was the taskbar. I have an ultrawide monitor, so I ALWAYS have the taskbar vertical on a side. It makes zero sense to have it at the bottom. Massive waste of space. Windows 11 DID NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO MOVE THE TASKBAR. I was flabbergasted. This is a feature that has existed for decades in every OS. I just couldn’t comprehend the stupidity, so I just didn’t. Formatted the drive and went to Arch, then to Tumbleweed. Couldn’t be happier.
Childhood’s End
This is a low effort troll post.
os upgrades are free
bloatware is less on ios than on any other mobile os
the rest is idiocy.
save your time. Move on.
All those tiny penis trucks are so funny, there’s never a single spot of mud or dirt inside the wheel wells, and they put mud tires on to drive around on pavement! It’s like … hmmmmmmmmm what happened to your brain?
Best ever chill metal song: Orion.
haha, I had the Sony XM4’s as well and my favorite day ever of owning them was when I finally got so frustrated I threw them off the mower I was riding on and mowed over them. It felt SOOOOO GOOD. By far the biggest waste of money I have ever spent. Never again Sony anything even remotely related to that. Also never again anything without physical buttons.
700 years worth of compute to do about an hour of gaming that I just did on my pc at home in realtime … damn.
Did I math it right? I was averaging about 100 fps in hogwarts for about an hour.
Been using standardnotes for years and absolutely love it. My fav is the quick note-type changer. Can go from base text only to markup to checklist etc so easy.
I mean I guess that could be right, but in the end this scenario also spells doom for the company. There is no way that reddit continues to stay relevant as a meaningful place in the future. It’ll be relegated to the garbage dump where yahoo and digg and tumblr somehow still exist in zombie fashion. Sad.
I was really surprised recently when I was searching for some help with a mod for a videogame and a result popped up on my duckduckgo search page for a thread on reddit about it, so I clicked it and BAM: “error, this subreddit has not been reviewed, so it is not possible to view it. Either use the app or go to home page” … wtf? I mean, this basically destroys the entire site right? I was 100% unable to view whatever content had been posted in that subreddit. So I just closed it and went somewhere else. I don’t see how reddit can even continue to exist if they don’t allow people to view the site. How did this happen?
OMG that’d be hilarious. Also don’t even say a word to anyone, just have an editor trim that 3 second scene from IM2 and replace it on the disney+ streaming service with this new version.
Is this thread a secret marketing ploy?!?!? Now I want some delicious fake apple cereal!
Agreed. This is not expensive at all. 100% worth the value which is less than a dollar a month.
Dish/DirectTV/whatevertheyarecalledthesedays won’t be long for this world. Eventually any amount of fine will be worth more than they have which will be $0. But for now, yeah, let’s ad another 0 to this fine AT LEAST!
I MUCH prefer Jellyfin to Plex. Jellyfin seems to have active development whereas Plex is more interested in adding in a ton of “features” (aka garbage) that I never ever wanted and continues to leave YEARS old bugs out in the wild. I think it won’t be long until Plex enshittifies itself to death. They clearly have a financial situation that is not aligned with its users.
“personalized” ads. So does this mean if you pay $14 a month you’ll still get the exact same amount of ads but they just won’t be personalized? LOL
so many people left reddit and fled to discord. So sad. Discord was ALWAYS going to enshittify itself to death, but okay people.