Your numbers are convincing, you must tell the truth
Your numbers are convincing, you must tell the truth
Thanks for saving my time.
Have you tried Piped? It can be self hosted, but there are also public instances. Features also include Playlists and Feed, probably also History. Maybe you need to create an account for that. Never tried that, because I use it through the Android App LibreTube which also has these features without account.
Nice build! Make sure you also post it on [email protected]
Also glad there are discussions about this. Somehow Lemmy and the Fediverse seem more privacy friendly but it’s just as public as anything on the web - which makes sense, since communities, posts and comments are public anyway. So I’m not sure how it could be more private with the currently design.
There are however protocols that can provide the foundation for more privacy friendly and decentralized applications like Web5 and Solid.
Nice. That gave me compiz flashbacks