We need Richard Hendricks and his new internet asap
We need Richard Hendricks and his new internet asap
54k for me too, weird.
Interracial gay porn. FTFY
Giddy up!
The English Patient. Sex in a tub? That doesn’t work!
There was a park near my house where often cops would sit to catch speeders. Driving past one day, I didn’t see a cop and I told my parents I was surprised by this. My folks told me that they were there, just undercover. I asked where, and they pointed to a woman walking a dog and they told me it was an undercover speed dog. For years I’d point out suspected speed dogs when we’d drive places. I am not a smart man.
Imagine Dragons
Oh no, if only I had a 12 ft ladder… 12ft.io
Could I perhaps interest you in trying a new species, short giraffe:
I heard a lot of commentary about the price of eggs tonight. I live in San Diego, America’s most expensive city. I’ve seen at some major chains a dozen eggs in the $6 - $9 range. Most stores I’ve seen them around $4 or $5 bucks a dozen. I also purchased a dozen yesterday for $2.79, and that was through Doordash even. So like, I call bullshit. Americans are dumb and too lazy to shop around. The gas station closest my house is $5.80 according to Google just now, but I filled up last night about 5 miles away with cash for $3.99. So infuriating that lack of effort or stupidity is likely what drove Trump back into office.
I used to live in downtown Oakland, notoriously not the safest city. I was stumbling home from a night of drinking around 3am one morning, and this guy on a bike rolled up on me out of nowhere and he just goes “hey man, you scared of black people?” He was an older black man that appeared to be disheveled and possibly living on the street, and I legit just laughed and was like, no, I grew up in a city, and I live here, so no, not at all haha. And he just goes, “Alright. You have a good night.” and he rode off.
Like 5 years later, I’m waiting for my bus one morning to go to work, and the exact same thing happens. Rolls up on a bike and asks me if I’m scared of black people. Again, I say no, kind of being like dude leave me alone not this again, and he replies “I know you’re not. I remember you. Have a great morning.” He shook my hand and rolled off, never saw him again. Just such an odd experience haha.
South Park tried it
“BiG tEcH cEnSoRed ThE hUnTeR bIdEn StOrY” - 'publicans
Nowadays, everybody cracks eggs like they got something to bake, but nothing comes out, when they move their whisk, just a bunch of jiggilin’, and mothercluckers act like they forgot about eggs.
Not gonna dig through their Twitter feed, but I saw someone a couple months ago ask them this exact question on one of their posts, and they wrote a pretty interesting response. They basically said, we’re still here, trying to fuck the system up, but, with all the information we’ve provided and ported out there to the world, y’all haven’t done dick with it. Laws haven’t been passed, politicians haven’t been ousted, corporations are still abusing the systems. So they were basically saying, what good is them leaking and hacking if the public doesn’t take a more activist approach towards change themselves and hold the people they expose accountable.
Closed my X account a couple days ago. He’s truly gotten out of control and my feed had become riddled with conspiracy theory fear-mongering garbage. Good riddance. I encourage others to leave as well, it’s the only way he’s held accountable unfortunately.
I was watching the freak outs on Twitter last night and being like, if the ‘feds’ were really coming to shut you down, you’d be off the air already or we’d see it go down. He probably got a letter or something saying it’s a possibility and everything else was over exaggerated and in his head.
I live in San Diego and go to Mexico often, and this story has made me so sad to see. I was just in Ensenada last month, and it’s such a beautiful city and we enjoyed our trip exploring great food and taking in music. Unfortunately, stories like this from a couple bad actors will dissuade thousands from experiencing a great place. It’s a damn shame and it’s hard to swallow that this could’ve been me and my friends who were the unlucky ones. I feel for their families so hard in all of this.
Narrator: “they are”