if you call in advance they are usually the same speed if not faster
if you call in advance they are usually the same speed if not faster
Fast food used to be shit quality for little money.
Now its shit quality for a fuckton of money.
Cook at home folks, more nutricious, tastes better, is cheaper and if you pick the right recipes its also fast.
Words can’t express how unhappy i am with these news.
I know of a few security companies that use slack to work together that includes a shitton of privat data, source codes and confidentional information
Guess whoever introduced the company to slack service fucked up by not reading their policies.
I got Netflix stock, and i can tell you guys that stock is just going up and up.
People rly are fking stupid
more like Signal, which is superior to Whatsapp snd iMessage
Apparently the way TikTok manipulates and influences users is so powerful ByteDance doesn’t want to disclose any of that information.
Even if that means they shut down their business completely in the US. Them considering giving up this big of a market is a very scary indication on how sofisticated and powerful their algorithm.
And ByteDance is basically controlled by the CCP.
Here is what you should know: never ever buy a shit product
I dont think so, Texas finally solved the problem with porn, now nobody can watch it and everyones life (and children) are finally safe.
I use keepass with my database on onedrive.
Then i connect every device to said onedrive account, copy the private key manually on each device that i need to use.
I secure my databse with said private key + a passphrase.
Might not be the best setup, but i feel like with passphrase+key i am secure enough to have the db file in the cloud.
Got the invite, realized i delted my comments but never my account -> deleted my account.
Thanks for the reminder tho reddit.
Doesnt seem to work for me this doesnt so anything on my pc
As CEO, I’m accountable for the changes we’re making and where we’re headed in the future.
Bet you they aint accountable for shit and will continue to have their benefits, high pay and everything it comes with, while others struggle to live after losing their job.
just not visitinf reddit solved the issue for me
yeah man then u know what this data is worth to them.
Its a shit choice between paying with your money vs paying with your data.
and pay in cash always everywhere.
If they accept no cash no business for me.
People are so used to seeing ads they probably wont bother, i have friends who work in IT who just acceppt that half of the sites they visit are full of annoying flashy and intrusive ads.
first point drives me mad, happens every now and then, a workaround is to close the tab and undo that, gets it to work again. Happens in normal mode as well
Now i just wish they fix the stupid bug where my tab becomes unuseable, it happens randomly and i cant reproduce, only thing that helps is to close it and undo the closing.
Which is good that you know now.
Not being on social media has helped me connect with friends more if anything, when i meet them irl they can tell me about their vacation, their new dog etc. because i didnt see it. Interacting with friends got human again and not a “yep seen that on fb” conversationkiller.
I also do not ever miss any of the people who i thought were important to keep touch with. Because i got their phone number and they got mine we COULD contact each other. But guess what we dont.