I think you’re thinking of VIKI from I, Robot.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence was the movie where Haley Joel Osment was a robot kid.
I think you’re thinking of VIKI from I, Robot.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence was the movie where Haley Joel Osment was a robot kid.
I thought Facebook was dying a few years back and I only became more convinced when an older family member was trying to convince me that it wasn’t.
A social media app that targets old people can’t last.
So is the argument now we should act like China?
Unironically, I think most people who are going to Red Note might think so.
The first person got the implant on January 28 2024. Your clock is ticking.
The changes must not be rolled out uniformly. I still get Reddit results that are less than a month old. If it weren’t being reported as a deliberate decision, I would’ve assumed this was just A/B testing.
This is bizarre.
I’m using the DDG search engine in the DDG browser and I’m getting reddit results with your search. The only difference was I didn’t choose Canada as my region. I tried Canada(en), I tried all safe search options, and I tried Canada (fr) and each time I got Reddit as my first search results.
Same Kenyans were probably used to train those AI models.
You’re right, but I think it was a combo.
October 7th spilled a bunch of gasoline on the ground. (Almost immediately after that day his polling trailed Trump’s.)
His debate performance dropped a lit cigarette.
In my opinion, you really needed both of those things for him to drop out. A physically struggling Biden that’s polling at 60% would’ve stayed in the race. A Biden with an excellent debate performance that was polling at 45% would’ve stayed in the race.
EDIT: typo
This doesn’t make sense. How could the “Abandon Harris” movement start late last year when Harris wasn’t even the candidate?
They are programmatically token predictors. It will never be “closer” to intelligence for that very reason. The broader question should be, “can a token predictor simulate intelligence?”
Fillory and Further by Christopher Plover
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
what’s easier? Convincing everyone you know to download signal or whatsapp or matrix or whatever or
having that built into the text app[convincing everyone to buy the same phone].
When presented this way, the choice is very different.
The numbers are interesting and I bet the 2020 number is very high because of covid, but them comparing total deaths might be statistical deception.
How old were the people who died? What were the causes of death? Did the total amount of people in detention stay consistent over time?
According to the article, a few of the ones listed are pretty young, but they didn’t show causes of death.
Bad to assume. I’ll fix it.
I might be wrong, but at a certain point, I believe (s)he might’ve been actually trying to harass these kids. Why else would you have a mock auction critiquing their physical characteristics and adding slurs into the books you’re reading?
Yes, I differentiate because I think Scarlett sounds less like her character from that movie in real life.
It sounds somewhat like her character from the movie Her to me, but based on the standards set by the entertainment industry it seems reasonable for her to lose the lawsuit. If you can’t hire an actor for a role, you can get a voice actor to do a similar voice. This is done often in animation.
Crispin Glover’s lawsuit against Back to the Future 2 could have set a precedent for image likeness, but he ended up settling, so it seems the industry is just avoiding this problem instead.
No slant isn’t great either. If the sidewalk isn’t banked that run seems like torture.
Doesn’t seem staged. The demo was imperfect in very normal ways. One imperfection was when it was referencing an old picture that he had earlier sent to the program.
I’d be more convinced it was staged if everything were perfect.
This guy is going to spend decades in prison unless he starts running for president.
People are advertising jury nullification, but that won’t clear him for the same reason that a McDonald’s employee would tell the cops where to find him.