Gotta be one of the most dogshit takes I’ve ever seen, hope you’re evicted one day!
Gotta be one of the most dogshit takes I’ve ever seen, hope you’re evicted one day!
I hope to never use them against a person
Me too. The absolute last thing I want, again as a staunch gun advocate, is to ever have to use it in a real life situation for about a half dozen reasons.
I took a concealed carry class to get my permit some years ago, which I recommend even if your state doesn’t require a CC permit. They had a retired sheriff and a lawyer for two of the instructors, they went through multiple scenarios of both when do you use it and what will happen afterward. I NEVER want to have to fire a firearm in self defense, I will but I literally have to feel like my life or the life of someone else is in IMMEDIATE danger. Even then you run the risk of missing and hitting an innocent bystander, police typically only have a 70% hit rate across 2 shots (unverified, could be wrong).
God damn right! If you are new to guns though please go take a safety class first, the hunter safety course (even if you don’t hunt) is a wonderful intro imo, and typically free/cheap. Took it when I was 11ish and it did a great job getting me in the mindset of always being conscious of where I point the muzzle of my firearms.
All this is from a pretty staunch gun advocate too (although I am extremely open to and encourage discussions around how to regulate them a bit more).
The whole point of Linux is to tinker
Fair enough but the sole reason I went to Linux is because I despise Microsoft. I wanted a less bloated, not ad ridden, and more customized( mainly just the GUI) experience that gave me more control over my PC. Now I only use this PC for gaming and streaming, so really I just want those two things to work with as little fiddling as possible. Obviously everyone’s use case is different and immutable is definitely not a good choice for power users (from what I’ve read).
Gotcha I was just wondering what the limitations are, I’m still messing with and I’ve not hit one yet but I was curious where they pop up. So for devs immutable distros don’t play well, that definitely makes sense!
That makes sense, bazzite is referred to as atomic (that’s what I meant in the above comment about atomic being more appropriate, forgot to add that context though lol) specifically instead of immutable. Bazzite updates like you said and you can always roll back, thank you for the explanation!
Distrobox is something I want to start playing with, I like the idea of the containers
Yeah I think atomic is more appropriate but I’m not exactly sure what the difference is?
For #1 could you use distrobox to run it with another OS? I’m pretty new to all this so I could be way out in left field lol.
Yeah what I really meant was you don’t have to have much linux experience to jump in, I definitely like the idea of not doing live updates now that I know it’s an option
Was what you wanted not available in a flatpack/ app image?
It was and they won! Now with Trump in office no more Palestinians will suffer! The humanitarian crisis is over, god-emperor himself said he wants Israel to “finish what they started”. He must mean that war needs to end, what other interpretation could possibly be accurate? I thank Jesus personally every night for helping the man win who wants to jack inflation right back up after it’s finally started taming. Our economy is in the right hands!
Freedom means you can cancel a subscription based on any arbitrary decision you chose. We should buy things based on our freedom to choose, if that means you chose based on quality that’s great and makes sense. If you choose for any reason other than quality, that’s great it’s your money.
How can you not see the fallacy in your own argument?
So do nothing and continue to financially support something you disagree with? Are you a cuck or something?
Mint’s sweet I switched from 10 a few months back. Biggest difference is getting use to the different file system, only 2 games have been unplayable (didn’t try to make them work tbh).
Ahhh I misunderstood your tone my bad, it’s a bit of an emotional topic for me. I’ve been checking in on friends the last couple days to make sure no one’s dead… I thought you meant that last sentence as an “we’re being censored!” Bit
I’m gonna guess you’re just trolling or unwell mentally, I am from WNC and a majority of my family and friends live there. There is one granite mine that supplies for chips and it is in a specific town called Spruce Pine. The government did not manufacture a hurricane that covered a third of a state so one town can give away mining rights
There are lines for grocery stores but it’s mostly because the store itself is throttling the number of people in the store at the same time, gas is non-existent, no cell or Internet connection, many without power or water or both. I don’t know if it’s as bad as Katrina but it is certainly pretty bad and way worse than when the area was hit by multiple hurricanes in the late 2,000s.
A Nation in active conflict cannot join NATO, you silly silly person
I love the “but it pays for schools” argument, like how about we drop 3 less bombs per year and just pay for all the schools out of the existing tax pool like it should be.