There should be guides for regular people to set up shell offshores. If it’s de facto legal, everyone should do it. Of course, there’s probably barriers to entry, like actually needing money first…
There should be guides for regular people to set up shell offshores. If it’s de facto legal, everyone should do it. Of course, there’s probably barriers to entry, like actually needing money first…
Number 1 priority: secure communications. Always assume that every single letter you send that isn’t end to end encrypted WILL be read by your adversary.
USA already reached “TIA”(total informational awareness) around 2013, cfr. Snowden leaks.
One can only assume that they have since gained the ability to decypher and map all communications sent over the clearnet bar none. Disregard this advice at your own peril.
Pretty sure that was the plan from the beginning. Also:
O’Malley advises beneficiaries to “start saving now.”
Lol, with what? Bottlecaps?
I honestly don’t know, I haven’t had a Reddit account for nigh on 2 years. I only lurk there now and honestly I shouldn’t even do that. I’ve completely given up on all social media outside of the fediverse.
I think a shadowban used to be all or nothing, but now it’s possible on a sub by sub basis and possibly even temporarily.
Yup that’s shadowbanning for ya.
I pass like 15 lights on my commute and the amount of time standing still for NO REASON is absolutely infuriating. How much could it possibly cost to add a simple sensor? No cars coming from the sides? Light stays green! But no, it’s all just dumb timers instead…
They’re showing us, example by example, that things have changed and that any resistance will be punished harshly.
Welcome to Lemmy. There’s dozens of us!
I estimate around 2029-2030 we’ll be using Rinminbi as the global reserve currency.
People of mixed race are also often shunned by both parents’ ethnicities for not being “full” which results in less social cohesion.
Basically, people of all ethnicities are bastards to anyone they perceive to be “less than full”. Not unlike how colorism works.
100k for this monstrosity.
I like Mooji’s vids.on youtube. They are pretty long though, in case you’re only looking for 5 minute sessions.
Now I’m intrigued.
Gonna be over 1M by the end of this year.
Most of current LLM’s are black boxes. Not even their own creators are fully aware of their inner workings. Which is a great recipe for disaster further down the line.
Sure, but to go from spaghetti code to praising nazism is quite the leap.
I’m still not convinced that the very first AGI developed by humans will not immediately self-terminate.
I don’t think anyone’s going to be given a choice. It’ll be “this is it, if you don’t like it, homeschool”. Of course education quality will nosedive, but the elite won’t mind. They have their fancy ivy leagues which will keep churning out their sons and daughters ready for succession.
God dammit, and just as Google starts enforcing manifest 3. Maybe it’s time to stop doing this internet thing altogether. It had a pretty nice run but right now it’s just a propaganda and compliance tool…
Well, those kill lists aren’t going to populate themselves, you know. Also, the creation of a permanent underclass is paramount to keeping the regular plebs in line in an authoritarian hellhole.