Great for them! Happy for you Vietnam 🙂
Great for them! Happy for you Vietnam 🙂
No problem stranger 👈😎 lmao
Dude same! I fucking love those memes
Honestly I hope any of these variations replace the old logo. Looks great OP! Thanks for sharing
They should buy less avocado toast 😏. Lazy ass generation
Photoshop in your browser for free:
I saw in a documentary that a few of the cult members were ordered to stay alive to keep the site up. Apparently you can email them and talk to them too.
“Sweet let me see your search history. I’ve always been curious what your taste in porn is”
Thanks stranger, I appreciate it. 👈😎
Marxs definition of socialism is the important definition because it’s his word. Marx did think socialism would be the next step after capitalism and that communism would eventually follow. But he thought communism would follow in a far off future.
“The United States regulates businesses, provides welfare. Those are socialist ideas. China, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, has rich and poor people. It isn’t communist.”
Socialism is not when the government does stuff. I know you have been conditioned to think that but that’s not what it means.
I think this is semantic(definitions) confusion. Please let me explain. For example communism by definition is a stateless society. Meaning a state cannot be communist. The countries you are thinking of have all called themselves socialist not communist. Socialism does not necessitate dictatorship or democracy. It’s simply economical. Socialism is an economic system that abolishes private property which marx defined as different from personal property. Personal property includes your place of living your tv your clothes all your personal shit. Private property refers to owning the means of production. So under socialism you could own your house but not a factory or Google ect.
The countries that are exploited the worst have sometimes had socialist revolts in the past. These countries are typically not functioning democracies beforehand. The USSR had a tsar. China’s last emperor ended up joining the socialists once he was overthrown. Cuba had a U.S. backed dictator before Castro’s popular revolution. These countries were not made into dictator ships because of socialism. You have the idea in your head because of capitalist propaganda.
Democratic socialism is just capitalism with a nice welfare state built on it. Despite the name it doesn’t necessitate having democracy or socialism. Infact it’s incompatible with socialism. These states are nicer then usual capitalist states but often backslide. For example Britain moving closer and closer to privatizing their healthcare.
I hope that makes some sense.
You know who actually doesn’t work hard at all? steve schwarzan. Fuck these lazy ass execs and share holders. I think we outta put em all in metal tubes and drop em in the ocean.
deleted by creator
Same here. lemmy reminds me of how reddit was 10 years ago. Feels like home… God I’m old.
I’m 28. Yes how could I not know?