Not even a fork. New code.
Not even a fork. New code.
Their strategy instead is to announce wars and terrify every 20 minutes so that the news cycle is too full of other crisis to remember this guy.
People underestimate the issues that stale packages cause as well as the fragility that comes from the ways people introduce either newer packages or packages missing from the repos.
With Arch, everything is super up-to-date and you pretty much never install from outside the repos. It makes the system extremely robust and reliable (what I want from “stable”).
Finally pacman (and yay) are awesome and I trust them to do updates of thousands of packages at once. With Debian and Ubuntu, I lived in fear of those kind of updates uninstalling essential parts of my system. I had Fedora botch more than one upgrade release to release.
So, I also find Arch the most “stable” system I have used (though Chimera is looking awesome so far as well).
In the Linux world though, the word “stable” has come to mean “static” and unchanging as in RHEL and Debian. Arch is not “stable” by that definition.
I did have an issue with Arch in the past couple years. A kernel update cause the WiFi on one laptop to stop working on the latest kernel. I also have an LTS kernel install so rebooting into that brought me back up in a minute. When I checked a few days later, the problem had been fixed in the current kernel as well.
Most of it is historical momentum. Regardless of relative quality, far more people try Fedora and so far more people stick with it.
As for Tumbleweed specifically, many people do not like rolling distros. I do.
Recognition but not love. They will have no money.
Does Sea of Thieves work on Linux? I thought it had kernel anti-cheat.
It depends on how much time you have on your hands.
Oracle Linux is a Red Hat Enterprise Linux clone. Almost everything in an Oracle cert would apply to RHEL.
If that is useful knowledge for you, consider doing it. Then be sure to okay with RHEL to apply what you learned. Knowing RHEL is much more commercially useful than knowing Oracle Linux. RHEL is probably still the most important distro to be familiar with commercially. Oracle Linux, Rocky, Alma, and other are RHEL clones and many places use those.
If these skills are not useful for your job, or if you do not have the time to waste studying it, then do something more valuable.
The skills are useful. I will let others chime in with opinions on how valuable the certification itself is. Maybe not much.
Same boat. As a user, I greatly prefer everything to come from the repos. However, as a distributor, Flatpak makes so much more sense.
The only Flatpak I have installed is pgAdmin. I looked at the build on Flathub with the idea of porting the package myself but got scared off. It was a maze of Python dependencies running in Electron. That seems like exactly the kind of thing that may be better off in its own sandbox.
Let me try to clarify what you are saying.
You are saying that the AUR “has every FOSS and some proprietary software”. Yep. That is why I add an Arch Distrobox to every system regardless of the host distro.
But what do you mean by “except Manjaro”? Most Manjaro fans will say that Manjaro also supports the AUR. They are correct that you can certainly enable it and start installing packages from there.
I assume you are warning that, because Manjaro maintains its own base repos and has different package versions in it than Arch does, that Manjaro is incompatible with the AUR and that using the AUR with Manjaro will cause problems. If that is what you are saying, I agree with you.
Glad it is working well for you. What does that have to do with this post?
It just has to always be the first question in a big report or forum question. Have they verified their issue with the Flatpak version?
I prefer packages from the AUR myself but I do not expect the software authors to support me. Distros need to support their own packages but the AUR is not part of the Arch distro. Arch does not support the AUR. The only support I should expect would be from the package author (the AUR package) and they likely do not have the ability.
I think the right way to understand Flatpak is that it is essentially its own Linux distro without a kernel. You have to be running that version if you expect support. People think of Flatpak as a “sandbox” which it is. But it is also like running an app in a Docker container or Distrobox where you have to pick a distro to run in the container. With Flatpak, you are running on the “freedesktop” distro. It is not the same environment as the rest of your system (right down to the filesystem layout and C library).
Fedora for PPC (I kid)
I honestly do not remember if I used SLS or Yggdrasil first. I know that I used SLS longest. I think I tried Yggdrasil in second and then went back.
I was all in on Red Hat when they came along but did move to Mandrake for quite a while (sweet i586 packages). It is all a bit of a blur after that but a fairly long Fedora stint. The only thing I never used much was Ubuntu.
Ah. Gotcha. Agreed.
Ladybird says 2026. Given the current state and progress, I believe it may be quite usable by then. I use it sometimes for basic surfing and leaving forum comments. It works surprisingly well often though it is still far from general use. I think the dev team tries to use it themselves for things like Discord and GutHub. They did a demo last month where it “almost” ran Gmail.
I am not sure that Servo has set a timeline. I expect it to take longer.
I prefer permissive licenses but how do they reduce legal risks?
Servo is developed by Igalia at this point. Mozilla is not involved.
Quite happy to see Servo coming along again. I am still excited for Ladybird and it seems more likely to deliver a truly viable browser sooner.
I am not a Swift dev but I think it has decent memory safety as well. I think it is one of the reasons Ladybird is moving to it. They evaluated Rust and decided it lacked the OOP features they needed.
The C++ that Ladybird writes is also very good. They have their own standard library (written for SerenityOS) which is very modern including memory safety and security. Still C++ though of course.
Sort of. The person that made the initial commit is not the one that quit (Rust side).
I am going back to /.