Yeah, in any workplace I’ve been in any physical contact would have been out of line
Yeah, in any workplace I’ve been in any physical contact would have been out of line
Franks is a classic but anyone I know makes better buffalo sauce using Crystal hot sauce and butter. It’s a bit less acidic. That deli counter buffalo roast chicken is weirdly good also.
I used to be really confused by the “fake it 'till you make it crowd” but in the recent years I realized how far it can take you when people just think that you are rich. I really can’t wait until this planet sluffs us off like fleas and something better comes along in a million years.
I think the tactical nukes will slow their ambitions for another hundred or so years. We can’t take these posturing fools seriously.
Actually yes. The most distinct thing that I remember was the intense sinus pain. Like a burning pain.
I caught it in my 30s and it was two weeks of misery. I had never been that sick with a respiratory virus in my life. It’s easy to see it being dangerous for the very young and old.
I’ve used a start menu alternative since I switched to 11. I get the hate for the os but it’s all just been a non issue for me.