He’s a genius and so am I because I like him.
He’s a genius and so am I because I like him.
And youse in Dublin.
Tasks.org Android app and desktop thing.
Can you expand on your wiki usage?
Same here. Reminds me that Reddit was mostly techy posts for the first while too.
Art, as the old adage goes, is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. It certainly is work, if you’ve ever sculpted an eight foot block of marble, or memorised one of Beethoven’s piano sonatas. And it doesn’t leave much time for paying the rent. The question is whether we compensate people for art, such that they can keep doing it. Does society invest in it, so that people of limited means can participate and have their voices heard? This debate has existed for thousands of years.
I’m sure astronauts love their work too, but they still get paid. Artistic endeavours cannot be reserved solely for the idle rich.
We have 1168. Big splurge on ecclesiastical building in the 1100s.
I remember reading a melodrama from the 1800s where the protagonist, a failed writer, makes a deal with the devil to have a bestselling book. In the second half he becomes wildly successful, but is tortured by the knowledge that he is genuinely mediocre. It always stuck with me. Reminds me of people buying Likes.
Just to avoid confusion, it’s called Coherence. That’s why none of your friends watched it! LOL
Edit: he said Cohesion.
Google golden passport. Portugal and Spain were at it but I think many countries have shut down the programme.
I think I found a Greasemonkey script to do it? Works on my browser anyway.
I presumed he meant Apple because of the logo. But maybe I am very old…
Lynx at the San Francisco public library! And Gopher was around before WWW.
Do you like the job? I’d change if I were you. Just my 2 cents.
He looked beneath his shirt today
There was a wound in his flesh so deep and wide
From the wound a lovely flower grew
From somewhere deep inside
He turned around to face his mother
To show her the wound in his breast that burned like a brand
But the sword that cut him open
Was the sword in his mother’s hand
The Lazarus Heart - Sting
Moderate condition, ex-library so there are stamps and labels. However it’s about 120 years old and a first edition. There was one for sale last year, now there are none for sale anywhere in the world, AFAIK. It was the first book of its genre and is recognised as influencing the later masters. Think Poe influencing Conan Doyle. I’m reluctant to mention the details because I don’t want it showing up in a search. Sorry to be so cagey! I’d be annoyed by this post myself if I read it.
I’ve heard some AI experts on Hard Fork suggest 80% of the Internet will be AI bot trash in 2 years.
I haven’t read the source material but the movie is one of the best sci-fi films of the new millennium, and certainly one of the most enjoyable. Films like Arrival, Dune, Blade Runner 2049 are visually striking and thoughtful but Edge of Tomorrow is also great fun.