they left to patent ToiletBook
they left to patent ToiletBook
does this hurt the oyster
just wanna point out that using a secure mail service won’t help if all your emails are sent to Gmail/Google first and then forwarded to your secure mail
what’s the point of selling when you can only buy from Amazon
what do you want to happen to people who commit crimes then
what is the alternative
not op, but I think it depends a lot on the person he’s interviewing
the internet quickly forgets
what’s the oldest
would be a bit awkward to have godlike power and still die of thirst in the desert
travel the world with time stopped? sounds like a lot of walking
this is not very wholesome
doesn’t sound like a problem in the eyes of the internet
I mean with a company that big, they can just google you to see what you messed up
another thing that annoyed me was the useless setting page, when control panel worked fine.
especially since you end up needing to get to control panel to do anything anyway
I’m assuming you’ve tried titanfall 2? probably my favourite movement fps
it’s not what you learnt but how you learnt it… or so they say, anyway
seems to make apple’s support of easily removable batteries a bit less rosy.
I can’t imagine Linux users and mtg players being mutually exclusive lol
should be lightning in the background