I have bad news, my friend
I have bad news, my friend
This is why context matters. Said that once, never saw them again.
That cat knows how to fix old chevys
Amen. Resource hogging shitty apps. I am a developer and I hate when people are proud that they can make cross-platform apps while making shitty resource wasting non native apps that are vulnerable or can not work properly but they burry issues with annoying animations to waste time that the end user thinks its cool. I am looking at you, Javascript frameworks in mobile. I hate you that does all that. And then also in windows; Imagine a calendar hogging 2.5 gigs of ram because it is chromium masquerading as a native app. Unoptimized steaming shite. Frameworks work best on the web and let them stick there. Personal devices that apply to daily use need native codebase for efficiency, security, etc. Rant over ffs
Took her on a first date, she couldn’t stop looking at her phone. Went back home, checked if she arrived safe, and never said a word after that.