In any same political system it shouldn’t even be close
In any same political system it shouldn’t even be close
This is only going to be considered by the swing voters come the election.
Die hard Trumpers will double down. Die hard Republicans would never vote for a Democrat, so better a felon than a Liberal. Die hard Democrats would never have voted for him anyway.
People who flip between the two parties now have another thing to consider when casting their votes, and only their internal compass will direct them to Trump or Biden
Oh man, and here I thought things would be getting spicy in the “genius” billionaire class
God, now this makes it a difficult one.
On one hand a Trump presidency is awful, on the other hand seeing Elon Musk have a mental breakdown as he can no longer sell Teslas in America is almost worth while
Lol, Americans and their fear of “bad words” will always crack me up
At least it should be paid off by now
So this is how Hollywood aliens see earth
What’s crazy about this whole situation is Iran attacked Israel because Israel bombed Iran’s embassy in Syria killing a general and 6 others… and governments are telling Iran not to overreact.
Like bruh, how would you react if your embassy was bombed in a 3rd country killing your general and 6 other nationals
As other people have said we cannot for of they do our do not exist.
That said thinking about how big the universe is, my personal opinion is they have to exist.
As for governments covering them up… highly unlikely. They can’t even cover up their dirty laundry, let alone aliens
She doesn’t have a family tree, she has a family wreath
Jeez, mark that NSFW please
Are steam library’s also shared? My wife shares her steam library with me on PC, would that still be accessible?
I have a lot of family military memorabilia, several pre world war 2 medals, one of the British military crosses (might be Victoria Cross), sword of honour from Sandhurst, signed documents/certificates from George VI.
I haven’t got it all valued together, but I know the pre WW2 medals are £4k+ alone. I’d guess it’s probably all worth ~£10k but it’s nothing I’d ever sell, so it might as well be worth nothing, as I won’t be liquidating that money.
Nice try household pest, that food is still mine
I was playing Minecraft on and off since the alpha, and refused to upgrade to Microsoft account. I bought computer lego, not a Microsoft tracking app.
As a fellow PS5 owner, and someone who would like to game on the go, the Steam deck interests me, especially as Sony refuses to release a proper handheld, but I’m finding it hard to pull the trigger on it, as the majority of my game catalogue is on PS5, and what games I have on PC are mostly not on steam platform. I have some games that are on steam that could be played on the go, but what is the Internet connectivity requirement like?
American Christianity*
Like everything America does, it’s much further right than the equivalent in Europe.
Hate to break it to you, but a lot of gay pornstars are straight. It’s just that gay porn pays more, for a man, than straight porn. It’s known as Gay4Pay