Not really outside of the west. He’s Taiwanese i believe and 88 is considered fairly auspicious
Not really outside of the west. He’s Taiwanese i believe and 88 is considered fairly auspicious
I’m confused honestly - the post I saw just said that he was happy that Trump picked an anti trust person to break up big tech.
Why is that bad? Don’t people want the big monopolies broken up?
I’ve had 5 ACL surgeries and torn my hamstring a couple times and my Achilles. I honestly really love wearing my vibrams. Ive got a couple trail running ones and ones I wear for working out, as well as a pair for just walking around. When it’s not shit cold and icy out I wear them all the time. It just feels better and hurts my knees and my back way less after all the damage I’ve done to them.
Honestly never understood why people were so bothered by them. Would I wear them on a first date? Probably not unless I knew the woman was also into them. But if I’m gonna be in a relationship with you? You should probably be okay with being seen with me in them.
My girlfriend now doesn’t like them particularly but she doesn’t have a problem with me wearing them anywhere, even to see her family.
It’s not really racism if I assume that an entire group of people with over a billion members are all the same
You have no idea if that child is abused or not
It’s just as much freedom of choice to want to wear a full veil as it is to not want to wear one
I agree with this. I went to see it with my dad and girlfriend. Brighter than a 1000 suns is a phenomenal book about the entire project and both my dad and I were excited to see it
The science and history were poorly handled and the movie did not need to be 3 hours long. Could have been an easy 1:45 and it would have hit the plots
It is your doctors job to keep up with new treatments. And if they’re legitimate they’re not putting out new pills every month
No Other civilized country has drug commercials the way the US does.
Wow I’m so shocked
Had 4 years to sort this and out the fucker in jail for treason and decided to dick around doing fuck all til a few months before the election.
Biden has the blood of 100,000 on his hands and the death of democracy in his lap. That’s his legacy.
No I’m not so i can’t speak for them in general, but I would say a good number of my closest friends are women, both straight and lesbian, and I’ve had my fair share of serious girlfriends and flings. In terms of girlfriends and flings I’ve received quite a few and in terms of my friends I know they’ve taken them for a variety of reasons, including for their significant others
In my experience it’s not that rare for women to have sexy or nude pics on their phone. They like sex and feeling sexy just as much as guys do
Again i only know from my experience and friendships and relationships
Read this too fast and thought it said most attractive male Hobbits and I was really intrigued
Sad beans
Probably every woman above 18 has some nudes of themselves on their phone
Yeah but you’re missing the fact that their shitty junk food is still miles better than the shitty junk food here.
Look at something that is sold in both places and check the ingredients list. The one I’m Europe will have less ingredients and more real food in general, the American one will have a ton of chemicals and other shit
Worst shit HE could do
Trump will be a million times worse without a doubt
Didn’t they just sign a deal with a European privacy company?
Lol you can’t read well can you
In a state that already gave it’s votes to democrats, and where i voted democrat and progressive down the ticket, how did it not help?
Also not what I said. This was the first election where I was able to vote that I did not cast my ballot for the presidency, but I voted down ticket on everything else, including the questions in my state. My votes were either for democrats or for people who ran independently and had truly progressive ideals.
And before you go off on your oh not voting is a vote for Trump tirade, i live in a heavily blue state where there was absolutely no danger of electoral votes going to trump. My states votes went to Harris. And since that’s how the presidency gets tallied, my votes for the more local politics seemed more pertinent and a better way of getting the future that I think the planet deserves
Yeah the tree planting and the fact that they seem very open about their funding and where it goes drew me in. I Google random shit all the time so I figure might as well do good for it rather than using Google search and all the crap AI that comes with it that uses absurd amounts of energy and fuel.
Just cuz i criticize Biden doesn’t mean I voted for or like trump but sure make a giant assumption.
Are you the kind of person who when someone tells you you did something wrong your reaction is to be like “wow so you must hate every single piece of me huh”
Or the kind of person that when someone says they like vanilla you scream wow so you hate chocolate
Give it a rest mate. This is objectively by itself a bad thing to do. Just because someone else would be worse does not make it not bad. That’s absurd logic.
Yeah i know the connotations for the west is Hitler and aryan
Not quite the same but if you go to India you’ll see swastikas everywhere. For Indians it means something completely different, Hitler just stole it and changed it. If you see a swastika in the west you generally know exactly what you’re getting