Emulators are for Nintendo what loud chewing is for most people, not exactly illegal but if you do it you’re gonna get decked.
Emulators are for Nintendo what loud chewing is for most people, not exactly illegal but if you do it you’re gonna get decked.
Luck is not an infinite resource, meaning that when ever you get lucky, somebody else won’t. So you’ll actively will siphon luck from people around you. Good luck with the loneliness, no pun intended
I think there’s a way simpler economic reason. If you have an ensemble of actors, the more scenes they have the more you have to pay. So killing them of one by one is an easy way for a studio to save money (let’s not forget, the US has an Union for their actors). Also we live in the age of sequels so having only a minimal cast transfer between movies means way less contract renegotiations. At least I think it started that way and then just grew into a cultural school of filmmaking in Hollywood. It just became the way you do things.
It might also be an artifact of the popularity of slasher movies from the early 2000s’ where the whole point was to kill characters.
I lost my savings 😔
I lost my dept 😎
Our generations retirement plan is a global default.
Prevalence of Death in Hollywood movies.
Seriously, how many times does some side character in a Hollywood movie escape death by an inch then looks at the protagonist and smiles, only to be instantly killed anyway.
Or the fact that if there’s a group of people in a horror movie, only the main protagonist and their estranged love interest or child will survive till the end.
Or if the protagonist is shown to have a lovely quiet life with their love interest, they will lose them in the next 5 minutes.
I can excuse the protagonist mowing down some unnamed goons, but Hollywood treats their named side characters as disposable garbage too.
Watch foreign movies and you’ll get what I’m saying. There, a single character death is usually a big deal and a major pivot point for the story.
I’ve recently started watching more biographies and it’s so much more enjoyable knowing that a character isn’t going to suddenly get hit by a bus for having a good time.
It’s a grower.
😳😳😳 Westerners not voluntarily giving personal information to the Chinese government for 5 seconds [Challenge Impossible (They caught us)] 😵😵💫😧
Pretty sure in a relationship mutual consent for initiation can be expected.
But what do I know, I never been in one.
What people tend to also forget is that every letter in LGBTQ stand for an entirely different group of people, yet they are threated as one community. Imagine Mechanics and Sales people would be part of the same union. 2 entirely different branches, with entirely different demands except that they all want to get paid on time.
For most it is just more convenient to bunch everybody who’s apart from the “norm” into a single group and call it a day.
I’m personally against labels, but if you’re going to give them names, then maybe don’t pile them all together.
Edit: This is not personally a critique of what you said, it just fits the topic of tour comment.
You sure they don’t teach computer science on the side?
This is coming from somebody with zero medical background.
I can’t speak for why it is eyes and tears that are affected by sadness (maybe the proximity to the brain). But I assume the connection itself is neurological aided a lot by hormones. It also isn’t static, it can change over time.
I for example completely lost the ability to cry. No matter how fucked up the situation, how sad, how stressed I am I feel the pressure in my eyes but I can’t cry. Keyword being “lost”, it wasn’t always like that.
But then there are people that will literally cry at every possible occasion, not even connected to sadness in any way.
A brief summary of the history of Europe.
First thete were the Italians but back then they weren’t called the Italians, back then the were called Roman Empire because it sounded cooler. They set out to conquer the whole world, not knowing that this would also include the small tiny tiny provide of ALL OF CHINA, and India, and Persia. But they came pretty far into Europe’s mainland. But then the were like “It’s to biggus, we can’t governus all thatus, let’s justus leavus.” And then for like 5 minutes everybody could develope their own culture - surprisingly even Britain, but their culture was mostly throwing rocks at Scotts and building boats to escape their women.
So while everybody was cooking, the Spanish decided it would be cool to fall of the edge of the earth, but to everybodies disappointment they just discovered America instead, which was a little less cool because they hoped to stop at India but GPS hadn’t been invented yet.
Then 50 million people died because of the plague.
Anyway, the Jews survived because not only did they have soap, but contrary to The French™ they actually used it too (this will be important later).
So Jews were suddenly everywhere, and the catholic church didn’t like that. Luckily the catholic church got nerfed into the evangelical church because they offline farmed XP during the crusades and gotten to OP.
So while everybody was busy swimming to America to find out what all the fuzz is about, The French™ decided to conquer Europe but this time with more sass. But then they got too sassy and a bunch of students killed all the rich guys on a mountain. But then they themselves themselves became the rich guys on the mountain. I know shocker.
Then Germany was like “Why are we just like 20 small countries in a trenchcoat instead of being an actual kingdom, yo Austria you in?” And Austria was like “No, fuck you, here take this random painter dude, but carefull, he’s wierdo.”
Then some prince guy was chilling a little bit to conformably outside 6th street, and a Serbian dude was like “He he, don’t mind if I do.” and 360 noscoped him (but only on the 3rd try tho, he had really bad RNG). And then Germany was like “That’s a neat trick, but check this out.” And then 17 Million people died.
After everybody ran out of food and ammo, the weird Austrian painter guy was like “Man all those Jews with their soap, what if we just turn them into soap, hehe”. AND he was salty because he got gassed big time in the first war so he wanted to gas someone back. Then he proceeded to scream “ROUND 2 BABY” and then 80 Million people died.
Afterwards America, the British and Moscow were like “That’s it Germany, 1 was pushing it, but 2 is enough, you don’t get to be a country any more”. Weirdly even The French™ had a say in this even tho they lost their whole country in the pre-game.
But Japan was like “We wirru neveru surrenderu.” but made the mistake to attack Americas boats (they really love their boats). So America decided to drop 2 Suns on them and then they were finally like “OK, we surrenderu”. And that’s how anime got invented.
America had its Emo phase and decided to hurt itself by dropping 2000 Suns on Nevada (which explains a lot) and some Islands. Japan thinks that we made a giant lizard they call Gojira, but nobody tell them that we just made that up.
Moscows Nevada was Kazakhstan and they also dropped 2000 suns there until they almost lit the atmosphere on fire on some Island because they laced their scientists coffee with vodka.
Meanwhile in Ukraine a nuclear reactor exploded, and soap wouldn’t cut it this time. So while Russia were fixing that they ran out if money to fix the cracks in the wall that divided Germany so a bunch of hippies could just break it down with their bare hands. So Germany could finally be a country again. Everybody was skeptic at first until they started making cars and then everybody just couldn’t stay mad at them anymore.
Moscow in the meantime was like “Everybody for themselves” and broke the USSR up into a bunch of countries that all look and sound the same but are irrational angry with each other.
The US and Britain then said to Russia “OK we will not station our Suns right at your doorstep in Ukraine if you stop eyeballin in for like 5 seconds.” And Russia said “OK, hehe”.
Then Russia was still like “Is for me ///” and took a big chunk of the Ukraine making it look weirdly unsymmetrical on the map. Strangely everybody was kind of Ok with that.
Then the British got divorced from the EU and can only see France and Germany on weekends.
Russia then tried to go for doubles and take the whole Ukraine, but this time everybody went “Nuh uh”, ordered a bunch of toy drones from Temu, superglued some grenades to them and showed them that “War really has Changed”. So this has been going on for like 3 years now.
And this is exactly why we hate The French™
Also somehow the Nazis have returned.
In either scenario, I’m more interested in where the matter you’re made of will come from:
You don’t have to, just know that we are united by our common hate for The French™
OnlyFans did for porn, what Uber did for the Taxi industry.
Alita Battle Angel was such a disappointment. After years of people telling me how good it was I finally caved in and watched it on Netflix. What an absolute statement to mediocrity that movie is.
Realistically, who was the target audience for this movie?
The narrative was all over the place. Even Christoph Walzs presence couldn’t save that movie. The most laughable part of movies like that is always people trying to escape the slums and systemic oppression but then the slums look 10 times better then most of our real world suburbs. People wearing quality clothing, kids playing games in the streets, big houses and apartments, advanced technologies and scifi medical care, markets with fresh food etc. and a few criminals roaming the streets at night, boo fucking hoo. Yet the story tries to sell me that this is the worst fate possible and the only way out is up to the riches. Also the main character is a bigger Marry Sue than Rey from Star Wars. I knew how the movie is going to end after the first 5 minutes. The only surprising part is that they are trying to stretch this pile of trash over multiple parts.
I also don’t understand the praise the animation received. Yes it’s well animated, but this isn’t 2008, where CGI was still in it’s infancy. It not looking like trash, would be at least expected - not something to loose tour marbles over.
Maybe next time Hollywood picks a Manga to turn into a movie, they should pick something with more substance. Edge of Tomorrow is prove that it can be done.
real and true.
I wonder how the “Alive Harambe” timeline is doing right now?
Here it goes: