I made the transition to Linux Mint at the beginning of the year. I just booted into Windows the other day and saw that it had been six weeks since the last time.
I made the transition to Linux Mint at the beginning of the year. I just booted into Windows the other day and saw that it had been six weeks since the last time.
Better than someone with no “real medical training.”
I bet some phlebotomists could be convinced.
I’ve tried Quest 2 once at a friend’s house. I thought it was pretty neat but nothing about the experience made me want to run out and buy one or even plan to buy one in the future. I believe that unless good VR headsets come down in price significantly (sub $100) they’re never going to be more than a niche hobby.
For POS they’d be much more likely to get a tip from me if the options were $0.50, $1.00, or $1.50.
You bring up a good point about the stability of Windows. I’ve been using Linux Mint for the past few months and am quite happy with it. However I’ve experienced at least four different times when the OS has become completely locked; I couldn’t do anything and had to hard reset. Not a deal breaker for me but it made me think about how that never happens to me in Windows any more.
In-N-Out is what McDonalds was 40 years ago.
I’ve been on Linux Mint for a few months now, and haven’t booted into Windows in like three weeks.
The transition has been relatively painless.
“I see you’re drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you’re fat? 'Cause you’re not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.” -Napoleon Dynamite
If I was stupidly rich I’d pay the entire fine to nullify the punishment to Gary. It isn’t about the money to Nintendo; it’s about making an example of him.
That’s some bullshit. I hate that they can do that. They spin it as a convenience but I’d rather update all my accounts with the new card manually.
Oh (buy) Brother!
It blows my mind that the 28 year old DVD format (720x480 resolution) is still being sold and consumed. I can walk into my local Walmart today and at least 40% of disks including brand new movies are on DVD. They look noticeably worse on even HD TVs (1920x1080) and no amount of fancy upscaling is going to make them look good on modern 4K UHD TVs (3840x2160).
I can get very close to 1 Gbit on Ethernet but top out at maybe 400 Mbps on wifi.
You don’t find the ads in Windows 11 valuable?
400 pages of “rusty razor blades”
I just upgraded from a 1070 to a 3060ti. The numbers definitely did not justify a 4060ti.
I think some of their songs are Beatle-esque - e.g. “Don’t Look Back in Anger.”
I think they were only supposed to be up for a limited window and they were near the end of their scheduled time.