Champagne has alwaysbeenknownforitsexcellence
Champagne has alwaysbeenknownforitsexcellence
Don’t they have throwing bombs in their national anthem?
Wait, did the second whistleblower die as well? Did Agent 747 get him, too?
I think in the German translation his name is Egon
They do use that against Magneto to defeat him in X3
Ed… ward
How embarrassing. How embarrassing.
Featuring Jeanoa and Jell
Or hide in a fridge.
Tamen de Gushi, sometimes also called Their Story
…the work of the Star Trek makeup team.
That was the only way for me to get ringtones from my PC to my phone.
For an Oglaf comic, that’s only slightly NSFW.
And then there’s Kazuma, who’s pretty much the same loser he used to be.
Of course he can’t get ligma. As a Mind Goblin he’s immune to ligma.
Some of them still have bonitis