If you go in with that attitude, though, are you there to try to convert people to your side. Or are you only there to berate them and make yourself feel better for having done so?
That doesn’t mean you put up with bad faith engagement. That doesn’t mean you allow them to burden you with the emotional and mental weight of the argument. That they can watch the consequences without fear of it harming their self is exactly why you need to watch your language. They lose nothing staying where they are, you need to convince them to give up resources (mental, emotional, financial) of their own to take up your position.
So, don’t put up with bullshit, and you don’t have to be nice about it, but you do have to be patient of your goal is to actually convert people over. Not everyone’s role is to convert people, though, some people are only fighters. Just make sure the fighting is directed in the right places.
It doesn’t have to be a big celebration, but I like to keep specific dates for holidays I celebrate with friends and family. It helps It feel special to me, like it’s something worth celebrating and carrying on a tradition of. Not that I am against celebrating the smaller things with loved ones more frequently, but a birthday on that actual day, Christmas (with or without religious connotations) with friends, or Friendsgiving, all feel extra special when celebrated on the day of the holiday rather than the Tuesday after.
Someone close enough to be expected to gift, but distant enough to not know them well and only know “they like techy stuff”.
Like, I get that it isn’t the best gift for OP, and I dont presume to know their relational status with the gift giver, but there are plenty of ways this could be a well-intentioned thoughtful gift that just didn’t hit the mark…
“When you only make $1000 a month, $1000 is a lot of money”
Yes, I believe that is their perspective about a $1000 guitar being worth a lot of money. Perhaps that is not an expensive guitar in comparison to the upper end of guitars, but it is still expensive in absolute value for most people.
I hate all of the versions, the lyrics just grind on my nerves. Mistletoe Meltdown affects me the same way. I can’t objectively place the reason why they bother me so much, but I just can’t stand them.
Yeah, but drop a pot on hardwood you might get a scuff or dent, while dropping a pot on tile might crack or shatter the tile.
But how do you know that you’ve won an argument if you don’t get banned instead of being replied to?
The other thread: “I found this guide on (dead site), and it fixed my problem”
Don’t you dare touch that piece of art! Go find an actual Cyber Truck to shoot up!
Patch of grass or mulch near by, or in a storm drain if there is one. Otherwise I continue carrying it until I get to such a place. If I’m in inside, like a mall or an airport, I pour in a restroom sink and then rinse it down the sink drain with water from the tap.
But it rarely comes to that. I generally finish whatever my drink is long before I have a need to throw the container out.
Finish the drink or pour the liquid out first, same as I’d do with the trash can in my kitchen
That honestly sounds like a bad deal. Before recently replacing it, I had a $35 dollar mouse that lasted through 12 years of heavy gaming. Either you are inhumanly rough on your mice, or you might want to spend a little bit more for something quality.
Yeah, my first thoughts were search and rescue, underwater welding, mining, etc
Except, this measure won’t result in that at all. Punishing companies for importing is only going to punish consumers. The company wants it for as cheap as possible, and that will often be importing. Even ifbit becomes expensive to import, it will be cheaper than the capital needed to set up the infrastructure for manufacturing domestically. Rewarding companies for sourcing materials and labor domestically will incentivize them to bring jobs here. At least more so than making them pay more to bring it in.
Ads and subscription aside, any time there is a feature I like on YouTube, they remove it or change it. More often than not when they add a new feature, it makes the experience worse for me.
I understand they need to make money. I’m willing to sit through ads or pay a subscription for that. But the ads are constantly getting worse. Mid-roll ad breaks that are auto-generated into the video (for older videos, content creators would have to go through their library to manually change them, from what I understand). A push for censoring content to avoid demonetisation, even content not intended for children.
Yes, part of it is that I got used to YouTube in its early days when it was operating at a loss. When it was a wild west of content creation. But it just feels like it has become so unfriendly to users and content creators alike. It has become corporate and sterile, while trying to squeeze in revenue everywhere it can. (Likely to barely break even, sure, but they don’t have to make it crap to use to do that.)
But, hopefully, they won’t fall in line behind a single successor and instead splinter into a bunch of smaller, competing factions.
I’m pretty sure the majority of people mourning the loss of democracy aren’t saying it because they feel the democratic process was broken this election, rather they say it because Dump vowed to dismantle democracy and serve as a dictator.
I never said it needed to. In fact, I almost added into my comment “if we valued the community enough to operate at a loss” but didn’t think it was necessary.
Wait, are people sitting and watching the computer as it shuts down? I shut my computer down every time I walk away from it for more than an hour or two, and every night. I just type the command and then walk away to do other things while it shuts down…