Vote to change it to Gulf of Luigi
Vote to change it to Gulf of Luigi
Oh, i had a very nice french neighbour at my old place. She was singing french chanson in a café i was a regular in. There was also a Franco-German friends’ association that met there from time to time.
Especially in southern Germany (but actually almost everywhere), French or French-speaking people are quite widely represented and very welcome!
I can understand if you don’t want to give up your homeland. I would only leave Germany as an absolute last resort either. Then i would probably try to flee up north to the Scandinavian countries.
But I have to say, looking at the situation in the States, without wanting to sound overly dramatic, there is a good chance to think it’s already reached the point of no return and best is to gtfo now. I mean, at least from the outside perspective, it looks really really bad.
Of course! And i think German is not that difficult anyway. Since English is a Germanic language, it’s relatively easy for many people who already know it to learn some German.
I’m afraid the main problem would be the housing crisis. e.g. i’ve been without my own place for over 2 years. Have to sleep on a couch at a relative’s small appartement. I basically occupy the living room.
I hope this problem can be solved over the next years. Of course, the right-wingers promise exactly that. And their solution is “get everyone out who is not like us”.
As a German, I can say that some more left-leaning like-minded friends would be very welcome here.
No idea why nobody linked it yet, but you can buy them here: https://www.comradeworkwear.com/products/the-playing-cards
The European Union seems powerless to counter the assault
Oh please. These pissbaby techbros wouldn’t be crying so much if they weren’t hit where it hurts. It usually takes a while for the wheels of EU bureaucracy to turn, but the following blow is all the harder for it.
As someone who is very happy to live in the EU and proud of what it has achieved so far, I can say: Fuck you Trump and your appendant ulcers!
I would also have a look at the XDA forum. A very large percentage of devices that are not officially supported have unofficial ports (Lineage and others) that run 99% as well as the official ones.
e.g. my old Galaxy S8 was not official supported but one of the staff members of XDA made a port that runs like an absolute dream.
x.com was PayPal before it got renamed and then the donain was unused until the twitter fiasko.
Or filled with hate. Unfortunately, a family member recently joined them. Someone who made his Abitur with grade of 1.0. This is pretty much the best school-graduation possible in Germany. And he has a Master’s degree.
Highly intelligent but hates foreigners because he had a few bad experiences in his youth. That seems to be enough for some. Very very sad.
Hey thank you, I feel honored!
I just leave one quote here:
According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, it would cost $20 billion to end homelessness in the United States.
afaik foobar2000 works flawless via wine. it is even in the AUR (if you are an Arch user): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/foobar2000
What device exactly? e.g. i could update my Samsung NVMe firmware with nvme-cli without any problems.
Is VoLTE not supported by default on GOS?
Yes and no. e.g. see https://grapheneos.org/usage#carrier-functionality
Wi-Fi Calling, VoLTE, Visual Voicemail, MMS, SMS, Calling and 5G (SA and NSA) all are supported, however some functionality may not be usable due to Google not supporting carriers on the stock OS officially or due to GrapheneOS not shipping proprietary apps required in order for this functionality to work on some carriers.
Generally 5G, SMS, MMS, Calls and VoLTE will work fine on GrapheneOS with officially supported carriers by Google.
Some carriers may restrict functionality, such as VoLTE, on imported Pixel devices as they only whitelist the IMEI ranges of Pixel device SKUs which were sold locally.
And https://grapheneos.org/usage#lte-only-mode
VoLTE / VoWi-Fi works on GrapheneOS for most carriers unless they restrict it to carrier phones.
So… it depends
If your carrier is official supported by google, your carrier itself supports it and your device is not imported, it is likely to work.
Keep going. They got last year already severals fines for GDPR violations. suming up to 2.26 Billion. Needs moar!
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deleted by creator
A secret service that protects its own people instead of taking every opportunity to spy on them. remarkable.
What a colossal waste…