but if they do it’s a scandal waiting to happen
That was my line of thought. If you pay for failed captchas, there are a few websites using it that’d deserve a bot failing them constantly.
but if they do it’s a scandal waiting to happen
That was my line of thought. If you pay for failed captchas, there are a few websites using it that’d deserve a bot failing them constantly.
Do you pay for successful verification only, or even for failed ones?
What would be a good alternative? I refuse to support this. Thankfully, I have my own domain, so anything where I can use it would be great, and moving shouldn’t be that hard. Bonus points if I can use wildcards, or at least have a few emails, like spam@mydomain and other.
Oh, and it has to support “+” emails, such as [email protected]
Isn’t the OpenAI one they offer the same one as the one provided at https://chatgpt.com/ without login? So probably something not as impactful.
Or do they share their unlimited subscription?
Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done.
Insist on doing everything through ‘channels.’ Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.
“Make ‘speeches.’ Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your ‘points’ by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate ‘patriotic’ comments.”
That reminds me of something. Standup, Kaban, Retrospective! It’s Agile!
That’s only for the 200$ one, and if you use it constantly, no?
lol, I love it. I’m thinking about paying for DeepSeek even though I hate AI bullshit, just to spite all the panicking AI tech scammers. This has seriously made my week, the amount of copium they are inhaling is insanely funny :D
Yeah, I knew about that and the imminent Gulf stream troubles, but I never saw the actuall numbers. Like, I knew it was bad, but seeing how unimaginably large the numbers are is terrifying.
Wait what?
is losing an average of 30m tonnes of ice an hour
That’s a fact I’d like to forget.
I tried it like a year ago, maybe more, and it wasn’t ready for that. The battery life was awfull (which was a SW issue of the OS not being able to stand-by properly), and accepting calls wasn’t really reliable. It’s more of a gimmick and great as a side-phone, but I wouldn’t use it as a daily driver.
But the situation might’ve changed.
I was one of the first generations that had smartphones and social networks and accessible games (1996), and I spent most of my childhood just sitting home playing games. I was thankfully still forced to do sports, so I at least don’t look like the negative nerd stereotype, but while I’m glad for it, I don’t remember almost anything from them and simply suffered through so I can get back to a PC.
It has fucked up my life pretty considerably, and I’ve spent the last few years trying to unfuck it and do something else. But learning how to spend time in your late 20s, when literally the only thing you’ve ever done is sit at a computer is super hard, and everything feels like a boring waste of time, and I keep cycling between giving up and just continuing to ignore the problem, especially when something happens and I’m stressed, or alcohol that allows me to at least somehow function outside at events. Which I’ve done kind of succesfully, DJing and organizing events for local subculture, but I simply can’t do that sober no matter how I try.
And that’s after I spent almost a decade of trying hard to change it, including professional help, and my deep hatred for social networks and enshittification keeps me from at least wasting time on FB/IG/Twitter or other timesink sites, and I don’t watch movies or tv shows.
I can’t imagine what it must be for people used to just watch shows all day, while also being content with using TikTok and IG, and while I started playing at ~4 y.o on Dreamcast, got a phone during elementary school and Facebook during highschool, you now get toddlers playing on tablets or watching YT.
And now, we add AI to the mix, where you don’t even have to formulate your sentences properly to be able to message someone, or invest effort into reading more difficult or longer texts, since you can just summ it or get an AI to write it. Generation that grows up with this as something normalized will be fucked up beyond recognition.
I can do that and more on my Pinephone running Kali Nethunter. While it’s mostly a gimmick with awfull battery life, I’ve already used it a few times mostly in regards to wifi pentesting for my cyber-sec job, i.e when going to lunch onsite and you notice a new wifi AP you didn’t see when inside the office you’re working on.
And since it has an USB-C, I can simply plug in a dock with two USB-As, Ethernet, PD and HDMI, to turn it into a full-fledged Kali desktop.
It works simillarly to an IRC. You have a server, that server can have channels, I think it can even do voice. But, unlike IRC, you can also use your server to talk to people on other servers, similar to how Fediverse works - if I have a server hosted on myserver.com, and someone else has a public room on server otherserver.com, I can either join the [email protected] or message [email protected], all from my account on myserver.com.
And bridges are basically just bots that run on your own server, and by scraping websites/using API of the service your bridging they create a private room i.e [email protected], with subrooms per chat, and the bot then sends every message it recieves signed into your messenger account to the room, and vice versa - anything you send there will it forward to the real messenger, basically allowing you to chat with people on messenger through your matrix server. Which solves the problem of “Each of my friend is using different messaging service, can I have them all in one app? (The app being Matrix client)”.
I’m a fan of self-hosted Matrix server. You can get a dozen of bridges for those stubborn people that refuse to leave messenger/whatsapp/telegram (at a loss of encryption, and they still get your convos, but at least you don’t have their spyware on your mobile and you can have everything in one app), while also being decentralized.
Self-hosting a server is actually really, really easy. It took me like half an hour, because there is an amazing Matrix Ansible Deploy script, that has a pretty easy to follow documentation, and is also one of those super-rare projects that just works. Even if I forgot to update my server for several months, I could literally “just update”, and the script is clever enough to figure out what changed, tell me what I need to update in the config files (which are still only like four rows of stuff I needed to setup), and it is a really smooth experience. Even when you want to set up some bridges, for most it’s literally just adding “<service>_bridge_enabled: true” to the ansible yml config file. I’ve already set up Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord and Messenger this way, and it was effortless.
Thank you, it was an interesting read.
Unfortunately, as I was looking more into it, I’ve stumbled upon a paper that points out some key problems with the proof. I haven’t looked into it more and tbh my expertise in formal math ends at vague memories from CS degree almost 10 years ago, but the points do seem to make sense.
Lol. We’re as far away from getting to AGI as we were before the whole LLM craze. It’s just glorified statistical text prediction, no matter how much data you throw at it, it will still just guess what’s the next most likely letter/token based on what’s before it, that can’t even get it’s facts straith without bullshitting.
If we ever get it, it won’t be through LLMs.
I hope someone will finally mathematically prove that it’s impossible with current algorithms, so we can finally be done with this bullshiting.
Kagi can do this by default, without having to hope that a random extension doesn’t one day suddenly decides to update into a infostealer. In general, apart from the few super popular ones, installing a random extension that can do the random niche thing you need is a pretty big risk.
I speak from experience, few years ago the developer of Nano Defender, which was at the time better at avoiding anti-adblock scripts, decided to sell/handout the extension to someone, who turned it into a cookie/info stealer, which got through automatic update and started wreaking havoc on everything I had logged in. Since then, I avoid extensions as much as possible.
As for Reddit having the answers - nah, never had an issue with finding what I need without reddit, for the last year I stopped using it, and in the few cases I didn’t and resorted to turning off my vpn and looking at the thread, it was a mix of adverts pushing their product masquerading as comments, deleted or edited relics of the exodus, straith up wrong suggestions, and in general it didn’t help me at all.
I just ignore everything, avoid news, especially local or politics. I just don’t care, don’t plan to ever have children and just hope I’ll get to live the rest of my life with my circle of friends playing games without having to deal with any kind of large crisis that would affect me.
Since I have slightly above avarage salary as someone working in IT, I’m counting on not being rich enough to be of interrest, while also not being poor enough (taking my lack of any expenses on family/car/etc into account) that if the living conditions worsen significatly, it will have already been a problem for more than half of a population way earlier and something will have to be done about it. And even if not, I can still comfortably get by even if prices of everything got 3-4 times as much as they are now, so IDGAF. It’s a privilege, but I’m at a point where I don’t really care what happens to others. For my part, I’m not bringing children into this hopeless mess, and while it’s sad that a lot of innocent will take the fall, I also take solace in that a lot of the people who brought it on themselves will suffer for it.
If I ever wanted to fight against my local regime, it would definitely not be through US and CIA, lol.
I think I know who killed him.