If you really think about it, everything a trans person does is a trans-action 😎
fan of beans and buns, JS enjoyer, Genshin addict
If you really think about it, everything a trans person does is a trans-action 😎
A live-action or animated adaptation of Worm.
Pump as much money as humanly possible into the JWQS / Clear and Muddy Loss of Love animation they’re currently making.
Straight up entirely remake Borderlands 3.
A Pokemon game like Colosseum & XD, but only going up to Gen 4, I don’t really like the direction the designs went after that.
Fund a proper Pacific Rim sequel.
A high budget Bionicle game would be neat.
And, provided I can pay money for a licence or just buy the original IPs, I’d have my favorite fanfics turned into animated shows as well.
I was with my family celebrating Christmas when this song came on, and I thought it sounded super familiar, so I checked the song recognition on my phone. I had watched the episode it’s from a few days ago :)
I enjoyed looking at this on my small screen while listening to something playing on my big screen.
Ok, I’ll plan on reading the light novels then. Seems like it’s pretty long, and I personally adore the premise, so I’m really looking forward to this!
Since you added on a separate recommendation with Wheel of Time, I’ll add one as well and hope it’s not in your >1k books yet: the webnovel called Worm. If you already read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts instead :)
Are you referring to Ascendance of a Bookworm? If so, would you recommend I keep watching the anime whenever a new season comes out, or jump into the manga?
Perhaps person A’s prediction would improve
But in this hypothetical scenario of explicitly unweighted coins, Person A was entirely correct in the odds they gave. There’s nothing to improve.
How about this:
Two people give the odds for the result of a coin flip of non-weighted coins.
Person A: Heads = 50%, Tails = 50%
Person B: Heads = 75%, Tails = 25%
The result of the coin flip ends up being Heads. Which person had the more accurate model? Did Person A get something wrong?
As a bean addict, I must confess that baked beans are my favorite way to consume beans 😔
a heck load of chemicals injected into a block of soy beans paste.
Everything’s a chemical, this is just language used to make things sound scary. The taurin that cats need that isn’t found in vegan cat food is identical to the taurin in meat.
Additionally WE can make that choice but cats that are obligatory carnivore would never choose vegan as they are obligated to do so.
If you’re so concerned about a cat having a supposedly harmful (the science on this disagrees with you, to be clear) choice made for itself by the human who is keeping it, why are you fine with the choices made for the animals that are kept in awful conditions and then killed for cat food with meat in it? Those animals are also kept by humans and have choices made for them that are unnatural to them, and they are most certainly being harmed.
If a vegan diet is ethical for a cat is unknown.
The science on this is pretty clear, and there are plenty of examples of cats thriving on a vegan diet for many many years. Of course, it’s important to consult a specialist and give the cat regular checkups if switching its diet like this.
TIL what the “DB” stands for, I thought it was for “database” lol
I thought this said “cannabis”, and I was so confused lol
I think the web novel Worm does this really well. I recently got it recommended to me and am enjoying it immensely! :)
As a German, I’m pretty sure they’re right. Look into glottal stop, it’s not really a long pause or anything. Think of the difference of the connection of “Spiegel” and “ei” in Spiegelei, and “Schreiner” and “ei” in Schreinerei. It’s this short contraction that stops airflow and then releases it again, and it’s present at the beginning of the “ei” in Spiegelei, but not in Schreinerei.
Here’s also the IPA pronunciations from Wiktionary:
Spiegelei: [ˈʃpiːɡl̩ˌʔaɪ̯]
Schreinerei: [ʃʁaɪ̯nəˈʁaɪ̯]
ʔ is the symbol for the glottal stop: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glottal_stop
I do this as well, but with a fork.
I wonder if there’s anyone eating knife only?
Ah right I forgot, socialism is when no phone
Yeah, they were great back then. I have the first generation Kindle Paperwhite (12-ish years), though at this point I only use it to read fanfics lol
AO3 let’s you download entire fics directly in the EPUB & AZW3 format, doubt they’re ever gonna change that 😁